
Why would someone fall 50 feet intentionally? He slid down the rail intentionally, that's it.

Why is it that there is someone (usually with a newly formed burner acct) always asks this question in articles like this? Obviously idiot if you have sex with someone who's 14 and your 40, it's fucking rape. A 14 year old is not mature enough to consent to sex with someone who is older, honestly I don't care if I'm

I can see that. However that doesn't mean that Asian women should be blamed if that's the case. If anything it solidifies the author's point more.

White men are criticized because, as others have said, they hold the power and privilege in the relationship. I don't see your point as this is a real issue. From your other posts, I don't understand how you come to this conclusion.

He's a rapist though (Gibbons) so fuck him. I am happy Michigan won but idk

I feel that Fitz would have killed his father if he knew then. Honestly he would now if Mellie were to tell him.

To me, it depends how she fleshes it out. I too like Professor Butler was turned off by the scene and thought it was done as a lazy way to develop Mellie's character. However if it is actually elaborated in a classy, meaningful way outside of it being a trope I can get on board with the inclusion of this storyline.

I am sad....I feel sad for Mellie and that is so fucked up. Her being raped damaged her.....


Very disappointed in Jameis man...just ugh

It's funny that our justice system allows the actual suppliers to get deals and be informants and not the small time drug dealers. One would think that the best way to get drugs off the streets would be to target the suppliers, but sadly the government doesn't operate in that fashion. The Sam Hurd case is a perfect

This whole thread will be a face palm

Wait. So JLaw criticizes the arrogance and meanness of celebrity culture, and she's arrogant? I know she discussed the fashion police but still.

I have hope that the increase of women CEOs will lead to some positive change for all women in the workplace. However to be honest, I agree to a certain extent with you. I work with a person of color who has made it to owning their own business. I must say that he parades himself as this helper of marginalized groups,

I understand what you are saying I think, and if I am understanding it I agree. If these women who are in CEO positions aren't doing anything to increase the professional livelihoods of all professional women, then what is the point? To have figureheads?

I would put a clove of garlic right in the middle of those potatoes...

YESSS. I think it's honestly responsible as hell to bite the bullet and move back home. In this economy I rather not go into debt paying rent and bills when I can't afford it. I don't think young adults, if they are responsible, driven, and honestly cannot afford to live on one's own without ruining their credit,

The fact that you're spending this entire effort trolling people is just...funny. But no one is laughing with you at all.