
I do enjoy the "lieeeeessssss" gif but I cannot stand LaLaurie. I heard from the grapevine that she did some really crazy shit. Like crazier than what she we know already.

Is this on the website or the channel? I'll be at work but I can definitely record

She is bad ass.

This may be the best thing about the Richie Incognito stories.

No. Hourly employees get (or should get) the same benefits. My previous job before the one I'm at now gave hourly workers the same benefits as those who are salary.

Based on everyone's post I feel that it is a red herring, as evidenced by Ms. Snow's red hair (may not be a coincidence either) LOL

Hmmmm I didn't see it that way...

I'm confused about the framing thing. I know she framed her for the Madison thing but I thought Myrtle Snow actually did pour acid on Cordelia, as seen in a flashback from Fiona's mind when she was off them bath salts in the hospital? I thought they set up the acid on her hand thing because they didn't have proof that

It fucking wasn't in Detroit.

Never get a linkedin

I need that gif

I see the streaks on the blue part and yet it's still blood on the red part. Even if it wasn't the intent it looks like blood man.

Comcast (Internet and Cable) is hell incarnate.

I do not have AT&T anymore and nor for about 6 or 7 years. But AT&T is the worst.


The trade Gods have opened!!!

Good god I miss No mercy.

Woah woah woah who ate the rest of the asshole Cheerios this morning?! It was you!!!!