
If he were black.......I don't even want to think about it.

Regardless of what he did or didn't do, he needs to shut the fuck up and let his lawyers do the talking.

We Quebecers will get screwed no matter what everyone else is paying!

Holy crap Americans have it EASY! Paying the equivalent $4.39 / gal. here in Eastern Canada.

Aviophobics be like "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING?"

Toyota; "What can beige do for you?"

"Hey Bubba, let's get this on my iPhone instead of calling the cops to let them know of a dangerous driver on the road."

Everyone knows the back seat is safer .

I had one. Not exactly a neck snapper but I couldn't kill it if I tried. The thing was bullet proof.

Biggest letdown? Easily the last gen Corolla. I figured I hadn't driven a Corolla in over 10 years, they MUST have improved it. Wrong, oh so wrong. My dealer gave me one last year as a loaner and I couldn't believe how much I hated driving that appliance. Beige and grey interior with faux brushed nickel accents, I

I still hate the look of the front end on the Cherokee. However, the interior is way ahead of anything in it's class. I can't speak for the lower trims but the Limited model I sat in puts the CRV, RAV4 and Rogue to shame.

With any transaction, you should ALWAYS make sure you get proof in writing. Sorry, most dealers want to make money any way they can and are not in it to be your friend.

Always make sure you have something in writing to prove you have coverage. It's nothing new that dealers are there to make money, not help you.

dat sound :)

The best D money can buy!

If this isn't a huge improvement over 10 years I don't know what is!

Want now

Raise it 2 inches and give it an AWD option and THEN the U.S. will notice. Otherwise it's a (gulp) WAGON!

So, basically they are saying......nevermind.

Screwed by a car dealer????