
Most people that won't act on a recall is because they don't notice a problem. Also, going to the dealer is like going to the dentist. In my case, I would rather get a root canal than visit a service department!.

You had me at manual wagon.

Ten Beeeeelion dollars......

Why would he have crashed in that nice shiny GM vehicle? Nevermind.

Curious to see what the D SUV will be. Looks like the Journey will be toast.

Some don't learn....

It is the darkest part of automotive history, please don't pick the scab.

You're assuming I make alot of money.

Stockholm syndrome: is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending and identifying with them.

You're right, it's like cops investigating cops. It doesn't work. The Feds will do the investigating. GM did this as a PR piece.

So GM murders Cobalt owners and sales go up. Well played GM.

The problem is dealers will outbid eachother and customers know it. Franchises have no problem slitting eachother's throat for a sale. I checked the price of the last car I bought at 3 different dealers all wanted to outbid the other. People shop around, it's a fact of life.

Suddenly I pity car salespeople.

I would be much happier ordering my car online and having it delivered to my door. NO sleazy finance departments trying to sell me headlight insurance and carpet waterproofing!

It's a Cobalt and naturally they all died. One key too many on the keychain.

Well, there is only one solution.

That laugh. It makes me want to murder.