
Better late than never I suppose?

This is literally my dream game. This is the game that 10 years ago, 15-year-old me would’ve said, “God, imagine if they remade Resident Evil 2.” Well guess what, motherfuckers?

I really hope I like this one more than the others. I don’t hate the “origin” trilogy, but it’s my least favorite TR series by far. The games are just too damn easy and all of the challenge comes from combat, which sucks. The combat SUCKS. No one plays a Tomb Raider game for the combat. Shooting waves of bullet

for real. no fucking thank you

think you missed the joke there, buddy

Half-Life and HL2 are probably both my top 2 favorite games. I’ve literally never played anything that’s come close since. Any suggestions for similar games?

Um, you sure about that? Pretty sure I owned several back in PS2 days.

Me neither, but I love Overwatch.

This will never be out for anything other than PlayStation

Are you fucking kidding me? People lost their shit because Battlefront 1 didn’t have a story mode, and now that they’re actually putting one in, people are complaining? This is why gamers aren’t taken seriously.

I wouldn’t look up or read anything about the story. Let it be a surprise :)

Am I the only one that can’t play a match in Battlefield 1 for more than 10 minutes without dying 5 times? I don’t understand how people get killstreaks in this game.

would ü?

oh my god am i the only one with standards

oh, it will

No Battlefield 1?

If you want sexy, D&D might be the wrong place to look.

U ok?

WOW! This company is acting like a company! I’m outraged! How dare they!? /s