
All boys are men and all women are girls, so sayeth the Cruz.

Sticking your feet in water is not swimming.

in fact, lead singer Luke Spiller’s voice is a dead ringer for Freddie Mercury’s

fuck off

especially since Capcom has finally given us a survival horror Resident Evil game after so many years without one and they’re not satisfied because there aren’t enough zombies and guns.

I could not care less. I’m already a parent. I’m not looking to change poopy diapers and keep a kid out of harm’s way during my downtime.

In other words, the game is a giant escort mission?

I think it’s just because this is so unexpected. We went from dumb, explosion-y, third-person, world-travelling RE6 to first-person creepy house simulator. Not that this isn’t exactly what the series has been needing for a long time but PT was much closer to feeling like a Silent Hill game than this does to Resident

I’m just ready for the next round of ridiculous, impossible-to-follow plot points the series has started delving into since RE4. It used to be so simple.. :’(

Wow. Such original commentary here on kotaku.

Jesus, you’ve missed out.

It still looks good regardless of the wii u’s power.

Ok yes MAYBE! it’s possible that is what went down.But, I am just finding it very unlikely that in this economy, in a state like Ohio that John Kasich has ruined economically due to being more concerned with uterus control, that a McDonalds worker would risk her job like that. It sounds like she wants to shift the

If he isn’t, that’s totally CENSORSHIP.

It already has.

There’s a very important plot reason why Reedus isn’t wearing clothes, and it will bring tears to your eyes.

If you try to decipher Hideo Kojima, you’re gonna have a bad time.

Not just I assulted a woman in front of my kids, but I let my kids join in. That, for me, is the extra yikes here.

What the hell are these women so happy about? “DERP DERP, I just assaulted someone and got my kids in on the action because I felt entitled to not have to wait 37 goddamn seconds for my shitty fast food!”