Bernie the Brewers Mustache Ride

this is a great article and is basically why I am still one mistake away from giving up on these rapidly declining sites, rather than just blocking them on every machine I know immediately.


In a day in age where it seems like the bad best the good, wrong bests right and evil triumphs over the righteous, I say to our corporate overlords I don’t just offer an F. I also have a U C K Y O U S P A N F E L L E R - the G/O writers, editors, sales, art and support staffs have done years of great work. All I have


Press F to Deadspin Forever.

You know, the only thing I love more than sports is the inability to talk about my love of sports with anyone else, so I can’t express enough how glad I am that Spanfeller finally killed that awful comment function on Deadspin.

You know what would be great? If there was a site like this that was dedicated to sports... but also things that have nothing to do with sports! And one that could let you comment on their articles for sports and not sports. That’s a site I would read every day. Think of how well such a site would do if, you know,

Hey Josh, not only do I love sports, but I love other topics when they have a sports-related angle, so I have to say I was excited to read this article.

Deadspin does too much traffic to get Splintered. The brilliant executives wouldn’t kill a blog like Deadspin. That’d be like killing your politics blog during a heated election cycle.

Oh thank gods. It’s pushing 11:00 am Monday on the East Coast, and there was only one post. Ever since Splinter got abruptly taken out behind the barn, I get nervous about longs gaps like that.

I am truly impressed by the skill with which she so swiftly picks up all of her own feces and hurls them at the poor son of a bitch who didn’t call in sick that day.

It is “shit and run” if there ever was one.

“What’s particularly baffling, aside from the obvious, is the other customers who don’t really react to what’s happening”

So I see she’s already had some coffee.

Where does she think she is? A fucking Applebees??

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”