
The man is a professional youtuber with an average of 15 million views to most of his videos. The average highly rated national news show can expect ~2 million views.

Why not both?!

Nail, meet head. God forbid they start investigating some of the nazis from Charlottesville. But that would be riskier than trying to take down a social media star making funny videos for a living.

Most likely because it makes them look like they are doing work without actually risking their lives because obviously FPS Russia wasn’t gonna go to war with anyone or start shooting at anything more than trees.

You want a tank, you can have a tank.

Yeah, far far leftist here; I’m going with #1 everytime. I am not a fan of gun nuts either but this is a great case of authority manipulating the legal system to their own benefit, and as you stated, you average neoliberal will be cool with it, because “fuck that stupid gun nut”.

I mean, think about how resources are incentivized. A big “bust” like this will net them far more funding and resources than busting up some low level gang with illegal weapons. You can’t measure “potential lives saved”. Especially to congress.

weed laced honey

Not only the fact that Marijuana is federally Schedule 1, but he used the US Mail to receive it.

I see no reason that he, or anyone else that is not declared to be a danger to society, should not have access to these weapons.

“The 2nd Amendment” The National Firearm Act and a tangle of 100s of local, state and federal registration laws, all of which he seemingly complied with, so, yeah, he got them all legally. There’s more to laws and policy than just the constitution, though. Let’s stop acting like kindergartners and recognize that gun

Well, if marijuana were properly classified you wouldn’t lose your right to own firearms. This isn’t really a chicken and egg problem. We know what came first. :P

His felony accusation was for having a bit of weed laced honey, yeah, I’m cool with him keeping his weapons.

The 2nd amendment says he can. By all accounts, he got them legally.

“Intent to distribute” is a bullshit charge. That was likely a personal stash of honey oil. So the accused felon, Is most likely someone who likes to smoke weed. Other than that his weapons also seemed legal. And only under the trumped up charge were they able to take them.

Wow... quite the contradictory statement there.

Fuck draconian drug laws and and smoking weed should not suddenly make it illegal for me to own my rifles.

Yeah pretty weak sauce. I guess there’s an epidemic of people getting high on marijuana and shooting up public places.