Naomi Ambidextrous

I like the way he is covering up his balls.

That’s a “thirst trap” for Pilot Pete? Good God, he must really be as boring as everyone says. 

Also it didn’t directly infect people with syphilis. It diagnosed people who had it, lied to them (which meant they would pass it in) and refused to treat them (or even tell the patients what they had) when it was discovered that penicillin could cure it.

It’s a good thing that the law doesn’t give a fuck about your lax standards vis a vis equality and has laws in effect making this kind of shit illegal so that a shitty job that is rife with racial disparities doesn’t further fuck over servers of color with regard to customer “preferences.”

DJ Khaled thinks they’re fine...

Oh, good. At first I was disgusted by this incredibly racist incident but then I read that you personally weren’t bothered by it and now I am satisfied that this is perfectly reasonable behavior. In fact, it’s a GOOD thing. Thank you so much random internet dummy!

I honestly miss The Banhammer and the ability to unstar someone. We policed the comments better than whatever Kinja was designed to do.

Restaurants usually have a way that they handle which sections servers cover and they have to coordinate breaks, etc. Maybe instead of expecting them to change their front end, you could accept whoever you get, as long as they’re competent.

So not only is this woman overtly and disgustingly racist, but she seems to have gone out of her way to sexualize a 16-year old girl. Jealous much, Kathy?

I’m white, but I honestly thought everyone knew that you don’t fuck with people who are serving you things (especially food).

Probably stop half way through then ask for a refund.

Man, how is it possible to be so racist that you wouldn’t even fit in with your 1820's ancestors, who most certainly had no problem with black servants...

They’re probably not generous lovers, no.

“And why would [Bloomberg] lie?” Matthews asked Warren. “Just to protect himself?”

I posted this upthread...I howled.  

Please don’t feel bad! It’s not unlike the destigmatization of miscarriages (I and my friends are in our 30s, I’m seeing this a lot lately) - the more people who realize they know someone affected by this serious issue, the more likely it is that they’ll take it seriously and start building empathy for others

For real. I thought that was just kind of a known thing?

McCain: “I feel like you and I are really similar...”

I’m one of those 60% of Americans and damn hearing everyone in the audience gasp like that kinda hurt my feelings lol. I knew it was bad but they just really made me feel worse. Damn!