Naomi Almaz

And all I want is for the writers to remember that. Felicity doesn't need a mask to make her a hero, and having her pick up a mantle that Laurel finally got to be in would be very VERY poor writing on the writers' part.

Especially when she should have been on solid ground from the get-go. If the writers respected the comics AT ALL then she would have been a vigilante before Ollie and they would have been equals with different figting styles. I stuck with the show to see her evolve into the character she was meant to be, but now I'm

Yup. If they had properly introduced magic last season, Ollie could have been healed by that. Laurel, if she had to go out, should have gone out on HER terms, saving her teammates or putting a major kink in Darhk's plans.

If by "out in the streets" you mean training as an assassin, then yeah, I knew that. Laurel and felicity could have coexisted as part of the OG team arrow, but the writers wasted Laurel. She could have been training to be the Black Canary while Sara was in Nanda Parbat over the course of the five years. And if they

Sara was just called "The Canary", not Black Canary. I wouldn't be so worried about Felicity becoming BC if the showrunners weren't so intent on propping her up at the expense of the show's story. I can see them using the chip in her spine as an excuse to give her fighting abilities she never had before so she can get

If they make felicity Black Canary, then that and Laurel's death will be the official moment this show Jumps the Shark. How do you kill your female lead? And not only that, make her death about Ollie and his relationship with an obscure retooled firestorm character? Ollie's was stabbed, fell onto a cliff, was left for