
Everyone PLEASE READ HER STATEMENT IN FULL. All the headlines give the impression that she said something vague in regards to Kavanaugh - that she was raped and Kavanaugh might have been nearby and maybe was grinding on a few girls at a party (which is how the Republicans WANT to categorize it). Read the statement in

“If that’s the new standard, no man will ever qualify for the Supreme Court again.”

...and does quite a bit for children’s charities, I believe. She’s just quieter, which is to be expected on many levels (she’s been around for longer, she’s got kids, she’s literally quieter, she’s not an actress).

Seriously, who the fuck hired Emile Hirsch?

This was spot-on and a pleasure to read, Julianne! As someone who is very interested in fashion (and not ok with how women are shamed for it), I like to read pieces like this from someone who knows what they’re about instead of just the one-note criticism of the pricetags alone.

I mean, yeah, she has a massive ego but I also think she’s hilarious for doing this instead of joining the throngs of ass kissers worshipping Bey and Jay-Z. I mean, the levels of sycophantic adoration people have for these two make Madonna’s IG post almost blasphemy and I get a kick out of it. And hell yeah, she’s a

Ok, sure but and hear me out here- Ethan Couch and Brock Turner doing a travelogue on Pyongyang?

No reasonable person should be against this. This is a law based on data and common sense and I wish we had more of them.

I realize that you’ve written a post about Sean Penn, but why is the top photo of a catcher’s mitt filled with hepatitis?

BREAKING NEWS: Old White Man, Well Known Misogynist, Is Sad That No One Cares About What He Thinks, Writes Another Play No One Asked For, Angrily Lectures Others On His Own Relevance

I liked him as Jordan’s brother in Scrubs who died of cancer. It was a phenomenal episode.

Any answer other than the Mummy is wrong.

Well there was that time she dressed as Alex from A Clockwork Orange...

Maggie shot the rich right-wing industrialist. If Lisa is the Democrat party, Maggie is the weather underground.

I’m in tears after reading this. What a lovely young woman! These kinds of stories are what gets me through the day. I saw the preview before Star Wars and it looks cute. It’s not something I would normally watch, but Mindy! I have to.

I just need to vent about this idiotic idea of arming teachers as a solution. While I have tremendous sympathy to those victims and their families who might see this as at least giving them a fighting chance to survive, it’s wrongheaded in so many ways. A military style assault weapon, like the AR-15 is a designed to

Judges gonna judge.

what do you expect from a guy who married his own daughter

This is the best goddamned thing I’ve read all week. Thanks.

I was kicked out of Shaun White’s band for not saying “bro” and “yeah bro” enough, but this is the first I’ve heard of all these allegations. [takes yet another picture of my weird disgusting penis]