
Not particularly. The AR15 doesn’t shoot a high caliber bullet. It’s typically .223 caliber, which is at the low end for larger game. The idea that it’s a super high powered rifle is a misnomer, although there are rifles made in the AR style that are higher caliber. What makes it dangerous is that it’s very light,

The term comes from the 19th century and was used to describe rural and impoverished whites. Most people who qualify as white trash in the popular imagination would not have had generational wealth to lose in the first place.

It depends on the audience. Most of the white people watching Black Panther are going to be hurt by it. Most of the white people hating on Black Panther are going to eat it up. It depends on which type of white folks you want to upset: Progressive-to-Moderate or Conservative-to-Fascist. If the latter, colonizer is

Exactly. A word coined by wealthy whites to help keep poor whites poor in mind, spirit, and opportunity. Works in tandem with anti-Black (and really, anti-fill-in-the-Other) racism to ensure those poor whites retain their taste for white supremacy and keep coming to the table for whatever scraps of prestige they can

And because he’s a murderous madman with true dictatorial ambitions who happens to be exceedingly popular in his own country. Duterte represents everything Trump wants - near absolute power, cult of personality, and the veneer of democratic legitimacy.

Might not be a popular take, but there are legitimately thousands of people who are too ignorant to know that the flag is racist. Might be shocking, but people love their echo chambers and even in the information age, they aren’t hard to create. That doesn’t change the fact that it is a racist symbol, but isn’t it

What better way for the right to harass and infringe on the rights of the hated coastal elites, liberals, immigrants, and people of color that make up the majority in the majority of these cities? That map encompasses most of the cosmopolitan population centers in the country and a whole helluva lot of solidly blue

Oh it happens. The catch is, if someone is turning it down, and not up, the only way you will know they did it is if you see them first.

I love both. Is it so wrong?

Nah, it’s like when the most famous actor in a movie or TV show comes at the end.

  • The non Black person bumpin rap in the car next to you that thinks they need to turn it up when they look over and see you next to them.

31. Anyone who catches feelings after reading this

Don’t you think the only reason it’s curious is because it resulted in two characters who had partial non-white heritage being played by white women? It seems to me that this would be a total non-issue if the biographical detail centered on any other aspect of their lives and/or personalities. Lots of people avoid

The number of white - and here I mean those who self-identify as such, as race is different in Latin America and white doesn’t necessarily mean what it means in the US - Latinx people who try to explain why race isn’t an issue in Latin America is shocking and, if you’ve ever tried to engage someone in a conversation

The thing is, there’s a ton of this bullshit about how this was a reference to the Anglo-American legal tradition; I have no doubt that the statement was phrased in a way that would make such a defense appear tenable. That being said, in this day, in this climate, in light of the history of Jefferson Beauregard

So, this is kind of complicated. Lincoln was a racist and a white supremacist. Of this there is no doubt. But he was still far more progressive than the overwhelming majority of white people in the United States in the 1860s, and that includes his opinions on race, which were more complicated than just “he didn’t care

Thought the same damn thing

False. I didn’t say one single thing about the phenotype of Cheddar Man being closer to Europeans than Africans. I said that genetically he is closer to Europeans, because he comes from haplogroup U5, which to my knowledge is found only in Europe and the ME. And I said this specifically to emphasize the fact that

Actually, that’s not really news. Other studies made that clear before this. It’s been known for several years that pale skin wasn’t really found among Europeans until 6-7,000 years ago.

You misunderstand what I mean about race. No one doubts that the differences, in appearance, language, and technology between the Spanish and the Aztecs were immediately apparent to both parties. I did not say that people only recognize differences in physical appearance and skin color because some racist white guys