
That’s sort of true, but it’s fair to point out that this person would be, genetically, much closer to modern Europeans than he would be to modern Africans, as many of the various haplogroups that dominate Europe and the ME had, by 10,000 years ago, already arisen (and Haplogroup U5 is only found in Europe and the

Of this there is no doubt. You might even say that Cheddar Man had no race, because he existed before modern racial differentiation was even conceived (by imperialist white people), and beyond that, where there simply wasn’t as much phenotypic variety.

It’s weird how people miss the point. This is what descendants look like. Almost all human populations would have looked almost exactly like this 10,000 years ago, and for the preceding 290,000 years before that. Middle Eastern farmers brought “light skin” into Europe while at the same time, these people got lighter

This is probably the nicest thing I am going to see all day. Heartwarming.

I think it’s extremely important that more people know about the history of Black African kingdoms like Mali, Ghana and Songhay that flourished and rivaled much more well-known kingdoms of the late middle ages. Too much fixation on Egypt, which wasn’t actually a Black kingdom anyways, and not enough on the Zulus, on

The only thing that might save the left in this country is the fact that the right eats their children too, and I think with more gusto.

No argument from me here. It should be a larger conversation. But I think we do a disservice when we feel like HBCUs are being targeted vs. being held accountable, particularly when this isn’t the case for all of them across the board. You are correct, socio-economic mix needs to be taken into account, but we aren’t

I agree that it 100% depends on your major. As a history major I can tell you I had it much easier - albeit with more writing - than the STEM kids at my school. In general and across almost all schools, with some exceptions (and here, I agree RE UVA 100%, a far superior school to VA Tech in almost all respects)

Agreed. It’s no excuse for cutting off funding. But it’s a disservice to the communities these organizations serve if we aren’t talking about their failure to push students through. If this were focused on Black graduation rates at a PWI, that would be a more comfortable discussion. Still relevant, but far more

Virginia Tech is a better school than you’re giving it credit for. Can you back that up with anything, or is it just your opinion? Anecdotal experience isn’t exactly empirical data. Mediocre people graduate from college all the time, including places like Harvard and, yes, FAMU.

I don’t disagree with that. I pointed out that peoples with almost the exact same genetic lineage and who have, in general, very similar physical traits, can still be conceived of as being racially distinct, where one group is labelled white and the other POC. I think that’s interesting, and 100% because of social

My bad, I wasn’t attacking you. I just think that it’s an interesting topic.

The Poles are white. They are almost indistinguishable genetically, in terms of y-haplogroup (as we’re all virtually indistinguishable genetically, no matter where we come from, when you really boil it down), from their German neighbors. They speak a Slavic language, and this means that they were classified as

Man, this comment, and especially this article. Timely and well done.

And, hell, she just ran on the ticket for the Peace and Freedom Party in 2016, which would appear to be diametrically opposed to the Trump agenda with the exception of presenting itself as something other than politics-as-usual.

Interesting because she also posted George Zimmerman’s address to the internet in response to the Trayvon Martin shooting. Not apologizing for her views, as it’s hard to come back from open Trump support, but if you’re familiar with the average Trump supporter, you’ll know that most of them are staunchly in

“Get in my car, roll down the windows, drive around the city and throw couscous at white people jogging.”

Damn. Well done. I think you hit the nail on the head here, and using your own experience to reinforce your point was, I think, critically important in driving it home.

I was about to copy this same response. But lord have mercy, the grammar, the syntax...

The answer to that is probably as simple as reading that tweet again and replacing the words “Nuclear Button” and “Button” with “Dick.”