
“There are no animals.”

And on that point, I do not disagree.

My best anthem memory was a Friday night back in September 2001. First game of the HS football season. We were just about to take the field, getting as hype as possible, someone threw on “We Ready” and the rest of the lyrics got lost in about 50 voices chanting the hook over and over and loud as hell. Unbeknownst to

Like I said, I’m not defending his sexism or misogyny, though that’s not limited to Eminem by any stretch, especially within the context of 90s and early 2000s hip hop. I am saying that his third album had a lot of quality social and personal critique that had nothing to do with demeaning women, and a lot to do with

That wasn’t my takeaway from that album. My guess is you aren’t familiar. Conversely, while I really enjoyed his first two albums as a kid, they are increasingly problematic with time. Each of those three is very, very different in tone, messaging, and style. But hey, do your own research.

The law just changed. Like just changed. But it did change. And the California prosecutors are constrained in this case under the letter of that law.

He had a lot to say on the Eminem Show. There’s a lot of solid social critique there. Best album. Last good one.

Which is fucked up. The good thing is the law as I understand it would no longer allow that to happen.

I agree that the law is biased because it changed to reflect the fact that lots of white people openly smoke weed and it’s become mainstream. This is largely to the benefit of white people, but it also benefits Black and Brown people. It’s not going to solve the prison-industrial complex, not by a long shot, but it’s

I don’t disagree that it’s likely JBS would do that exact thing. I don’t disagree that there’s a double standard in the way the law is applied. I don’t disagree that the way we penalize marijuana now vs. in the past is the direct result of the mainstreaming - and the concomitant whitening - of that drug. There’s no

Not disputing the woman’s privilege, not least of all for how this is being covered.

“And that, whenever I refer to “the front of my fucking house” now, you’ve forever made it a double entendre?”

I mean he supports same-sex marriage, has called for tougher civil rights laws to support prosecution in cases like Charlottesville and the South Carolina church massacre, supports abortion, and wants to eliminate three-strikes laws. The idea that he’d be called a “racist Alabama cracker” is massively problematic;

I get the feelings. But he was elected on a platform of crossing the aisle. That’s literally what he said in the campaign and in his acceptance speech.

No surprise here coming from the same campaign whose radio-based proxies alleged “street money” was being used to “start a race war” by Doug Jones’ “race hustler” campaign. It’s all sad, hypocritical, emblematic of the larger white supremacist message (I mean, that comment about families being stronger in the 19th

If you saw Erdogan in a Santa costume, you’d think he was just another white Santa. Not sure being true to his roots would make much of a difference.

That’s a highly subjective comment. I don’t think of a regime that imprisons thousands of political dissenters without trial as being “pro-justice.” Don’t think of blowing up planes and funding organizations that slaughter athletes to make a political point as being pro-justice either. And further, Gadaffi’s

I am confused...

Thanks, that is appreciated. Love your handle, the date really drives it home.

Raised in Richmond. None of this surprises me. But I will say this for Richmond: It’s less segregated than a lot of the places I’ve lived in the NE.