Yes, I’m with you here.
Yes, I’m with you here.
Yes, that’s true also.
I agree on the sexist side. And in terms of leadership, agreed, for now. Positions of leadership tend to be dominated by old white men because that’s who has all the money and the longstanding networks of influence. White supremacy is also a factor, but the number of leaders of color in this country is increasing, and…
This has got to be the most ridiculously stereotypical redneck shit I have ever seen: “Judy often wonders why they come to America if they “hate pork, beer, bikinis, Jesus and freedom of speech.””
My opinion here: Racist white people like Asians because their devotion to the idea of standardized testing as the unimpeachable benchmark of intelligence and human worth has forced them to acknowledge that Asians have more intelligence than white people - they’re literally willing to diminish white status if it means…
Gadaffi was only pro-Black when it suited him. He was more than happy to take European money to detain Black refugees when they came into his country. That’s a fact.
The thing is, I agree with you here. We can’t and shouldn’t ignore his anti-colonial legacy. That’s important. But we also have to see these things in context. The Japanese in WW2 were vocal about the threat posed by western colonialism and influence in Asia, but they were still colonizers themselves. They talked a…
I think it’s pretty clear we did not invade Libya. Your article stated that Obama admitted his biggest mistake was overthrowing the Libyan regime. In fact he said that not planning for the day after was his biggest mistake. I do think that’s a very important distinction.
Actually, RE his rejection of Zionism being the reason I say he hated Jews, that’s not what I mean. You need to do a bit more research. Also, your argument - that he’d be alive and leading Libya if he was as bad as I say - is a total farce. He was eliminated from power at the moment of his most pro-Western,…
Fair enough.
I’m not sure I follow. Maybe I got the age wrong and that created confusion. I thought the killer was 15. Either way I never made any argument about when someone becomes enlightened, that this happens at a specific age or that the older child deserves more blame. So not really sure where you’re going with that.
Of course I agree that Libya was a better place before he was ousted. Iraq was a better place before Saddam was ousted. These places were better because they had political stability. Do you believe that authoritarianism is the only way to produce stability in these countries? If not, then the way Gadaffi and Saddam…
Cutting logic. Really impressive.
I didn’t infer a lack of remorse - I don’t particularly care if he’s remorseful. I didn’t infer that bail can’t be raised by crowdfunding - it clearly can be. And I didn’t say there was any legal problem with that. I said that I have a hard time with the fact that people are supporting him to this extent and that he’s…
Obama did not say that supporting the coup - begun by Libyan people in an effort to throw off the yoke of their oppressor - was his greatest mistake. In the very article you cited, he says his greatest mistake was “failing to plan for the day after.” That’s a massive distinction.
I don’t disagree with you, though there is a debate about whether Blacks can be “racist.” I don’t personally want to get into that, but it’s a question worth asking. Also, there’s no indication that the person he killed was the one who called him either of those things, and the report I read indicated that there had…
You’re right about this. I probably was not clear. What I find disheartening is that his bail was posted through online funding, presumably by people who felt he’d gotten a raw deal. That’s what I am getting at.
The answer is I got in lots of fights. And I was punished for them even though I was defending myself. If I had killed someone, I would’ve deserved more severe punishment. I think that’s fairly straightforward. I don’t think this kid should be put away for life. I don’t think he should go without a second chance. That…
I may be in the minority, but I think it’s outrageous he’s not in confinement. He stabbed and killed someone in school. Because he was bullied? I got bullied. Lots of kids get bullied. It’s horrible and I am glad it’s a focus now, but it’s ridiculous to me that you can get sympathy and MONEY after committing murder…