Thanks now I dont have to read the article.
Thanks now I dont have to read the article.
What are you gonna do?!?! Bleed on me!
I am Darth Helmet!
Easier to shove in your butt.
Awesome response! Apparently Rocket Sled is like a baby that when he shits somebody else does have to clean it up so who cares right.
Nothing latest about this? Maybe its new that they are selling it to the general public, but I used to work produce in a grocery store and we would cover the floral dept when there was nobody there and had these knives. That was about 15 years ago when I was in high school.
@ElemenopEE: Boeing
I was lucky enough to see this in person after it took off in St Louis (where I live) I wasnt quite sure what I was seeing at first, I knew it was a 747 and with the Winglets on the tail I figured it might be the shuttle carrier, but I had know idea what was on top of it until I saw a local news story about it. …
@ddmeightball: Seeing as I want one, then yes I would say theres a market.
@Inquartata: Goes to show my knowledge of WOW is pretty small..... But But..... He's still a NERD! O'Doyle RULES
@Imtheredude: No he would be playing WOW in his moms basement instead of starting million dollar corporations in his moms basement. Either way hes a nerd that lives in his moms basement.
@Unholy_Hero: In soviet russia will it blend and can it run crisis memes ban you,
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.1.1: Dee Dee DeeDeeDeeDee Dee Dee Dee Deeee
Best of luck Mark, It seems you may need to talk to, seems they may have gotten in trouble with the principal and got suspended.
@Homerjay has ABSA Fever: I like playing with people that dont know Qi is a word, and all they do is bitch that they have a Q and no U to play it anywhere.
@Mike: I take Australia if it is available easily, but I prefer trying for S. America, this gives you a jumping off point into Africa or N. America wherever the best oppurtunity presents itself.
@heltoupee: Readys camera to capture pretend beer spraying from K-M's nose. "This is gonna be classic!"
@SeraphX2: All who read this post (I have an email address for sale to the highest bidder, user enjoys Spam and buys allot of stuff) But no seriously I have been getting into photography myself as of late and find it very enjoyable, Be warned though that the hobby can be a money pit.
@arj8138: Soooo only poor folk who dont know nuthin bout no Blu-Ray use Red Box?
@getz76: Knox Harrington the Video artist?