I get that. He did come off as very earnest, but that fit the character I think. The ultimate boy scout or something. :)
I get that. He did come off as very earnest, but that fit the character I think. The ultimate boy scout or something. :)
Apart from the two-part opening and a weak one-off in the middle, the fourth season is excellent.
Yeah I bet George is just dying to waltz back into the editing room and make more ROTS after he quit Star Wars eight years ago because he was tired of constantly being shit on in the exact same ways all the new Star Wars content has been shit on.
Out of all of those, I would argue that Ayer’s Cut of SS is a worthy thing to fight for if only because WB stifled him and allowed a trailer-cutting company to finish the movie. His version may not be ANY better (and it could easily be worse), but it would be his version. I dislike the notion that a creator of any…
That it’ll be like the prequels, but good.
I’ve only watched the first episode so far, but I agree, it still felt like SAC. I didn’t even think the CG animation was that bad. It’s not great, but I didn’t find it distractingly stiff or anything — in time I may have gotten used to it.
Kamiyama is still the head writer, along with Shinji Aramaki. The script and characters still feel like SAC (they got all the voice actors back for both language tracks as well), and it takes the story in an unexpected direction, away from the usual cyberpunk avenues. The CG animation is bad, and I miss Yoko Kanno’s…
aside from the first season-ish, this show has been simply some of the best television, let alone genre television, let alone star wars content that’s been made. for me CW, mando, TLJ and R1 show how good star wars can be when you let actual auteurs near it, instead of the confusion of Lucas’ prequels and the pablum…
There have been exceptions.
I think the subtext is that Natasha loves the Avengers as her family, and is sacrificing herself for them. She is doing the opposite of what Thanos did, which was a selfish act.
I dunno, I kinda liked the scene in the original where she and Hawkeye fight to see who gets to sacrifice themselves. Neither wanted the other to go but more than that neither wanted to not save the other from having to die. This is a fine action scene and I do like the idea that Thanos is more actively pursuing them,…
Hey man, leave cannons alone. There are plenty of stories you could never tell without a cannon. Would we have Pirates of the Caribbean without cannons? I can’t think of a single story that isn’t better because it has a cannon in it.
*ready to read what I’m sure will be respectful and well-thought-out comments, and not at all hysterical hating on modern Trek*
I kind of figured it went full circle, and that it’s William.
This shows production values are fucking insane. Future LA looked amazing. The special effects have always been really good in the show, but going into actual cities and having flying cars and shit was insane. No wonder this took two years to make.
I still wish they’d done a low key series about Picard as a xeno-archaeologist wandering around having scholarly adventures and solving puzzles and mysteries.
That’s why she couldn’t find it, it was already gone.
Sad fact - Icheb didn’t even have a coritcal node. He gave it to Seven in Voyager season 7.