Nanette Flynn

Several years back, there was a traveling exhibit, which I saw at the Mexican American museum in Chicago about the African influence in Mexico. African slaves were bought to Mexico over 500years ago. Fascinating exhibit, you can easily find links for it online. I also encourage you to check out the PBS show by

I will never forget the story my great aunt told me about the time that she and her mother were going to buy groceries, small town in Arkansas circa 1915, and her mother who herself could have passed as white herself, pointed to a white couple across the road, saying "see that lady, she is our cousin, but never say

One more important distinction. Gen X was the last generation to spend our childhood years with the promise of what this nation use d to offer, only to get knocked over the head in our young adulthood by what this nation has become. It's like we have lived 2 distinct lives and we are not even 50 yet.