
Sadly, this is true. I mean, I understand that the reporters and producers of the news shows are being incentivized to pretend Herr Drumpf is a valid candidate who is not just a lying liar whose superpower is plausibility, but surely they have children? Surely a world in which nuclear war is suddenly on the table when

The problem is that we’ve gotten we’ve gotten so used to having comedians who do actual journalism (Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Samantha Bee, ect) that we get upset when they don’t, instead of being angry at the actual news for failing miserably.

I just never would have expected it of him. Sam Bee and John Oliver are terrific, but they should be terrific. Seth Meyers is the milquetoast former Weekend Update guy who got one of the most baffling promotions ever, but he’s putting it to good use.

Meyers puts all the Closer Look segments on YouTube by the next morning and they’re all I bother watching.

Anybody else finding themselves sighing frequently, not enjoying things, like ice cream, as much, constantly feeling on the verge of unexpected violent tears? Anyone else get queasy when they turn on the news, cynical when they open their Facebook and wary when strangers start talking in a doctor’s waiting room that

Good to see Jay Leno’s awful legacy is in equally shitty, fucked-up hands.

His supporters on Gawker used to regularly explain that you can’t actually listen to what he SAYS, because he’s not smart enough to understand policy and also he’s only saying offensive things to appeal the base.

“Rarely are researchers’ findings so satisfying. Women may want more sex than their husbands or partners think.”

I hope better for you truly. Paige would certainly try to drown you and Emily falls in love with every new pretty girl in town, never learning that any one of them may be the person trying to kill her. Tho admittedly I haven’t watched the last half of this most recent season so maybe Emily grew up and became not only

Great. Now plotlines from Pretty Little Liars are becoming reality.

But under Florida law, “it [is] a misdemeanor for a person to store or leave, on a premise under his or her control, a loaded firearm in such a manner that it is likely a child can gain access to the firearm.”

This girl’s pissing me off. No, the fact that someone is Somalian determines whether they are a Somali-American. I can’t go to Europe and say “oh, Trump’s not American, why do you get to decide who’s American.” He just IS. I’m sorry this girl wants a different representation but she clearly came into this just wanting

I’ve noticed that some discourse on diversity in the US seems to see it exclusively in terms of black and white, no pun intended. Not all, obviously, and excluding issues and discussions that are specifically about discrimination and persecution of African Americans. /a WOC who is neither black or American

Agreed. I feel like a better response to the young woman’s “so you get to decide who is a Somali American?” would have been “no but he gets to decide his own identity and from what I understand he is a Somali American elected to the city council. I’m really proud of that.”

In that case, I think this woman is not doing herself any favors either. Abdi Warsame was born in Somali and identifies as Somali American.

I am Black and voting for HRC...I been down for HRC, since I was a little girl...researched her her politically and morally a LOT better than her husband...I have not ONE ISSUE with what she said...nor how she said it...because I’m REALLY TIRED of the bullshit double standards that are being flung

I really wish I could hear what the young woman is saying, because there is almost no context for Clinton’s reaction. I can’t tell if they’re talking about racial equality, criminal justice reform or refugees — it all seems to be going back to the Somali-American community in Minnesota, so that could take on a number

Looking for something that isn’t really there...

I am not taking Hillary’s side here AT ALL, but to be fair to both, we can’t hear at all how this conversation started. The first thing I can hear either saying is bits of pieces of Hillary saying she was happy to meet with Abdi Warsame and then Hillary’s “You know what, dear, we have a difference of opinion...Well,