BBC reports that Nair had tried to crowdfund Waligwa’s medical treatment in India, after Ugandan doctors said they lacked the equipment necessary to eradicate her brain tumor.
BBC reports that Nair had tried to crowdfund Waligwa’s medical treatment in India, after Ugandan doctors said they lacked the equipment necessary to eradicate her brain tumor.
No realistic contrary argument can be made. He looked like a roofer who dealed drugs on the side.
Not to go too deep on total strangers, but I’ll always remember that interview with D’Angelo where he talked about subconsciously gaining weight after being objectified early in his career. He didn’t want to be a target of that kind of attention anymore, because it felt demeaning. I sorta wonder if Bieb’s current…
There was nothing about that mustache that worked for him. There is no argument to the contrary, but I would love to entertain them here.
I can totally see what Kate Middleton is talking about. I get wiiiicked period cramps. I vomit from the pain at least once a year if I’m not super careful. I’ve found that keeping calm and really focused relaxation can be a huge help when waiting for the pain meds to kick in. I wanna know how this can help my epic…
Or, you could talk to your spouse and just not buy a smart speaker if s/he is uncomfortable with it. Save yourself $49.99 and the love of your dog.
It seemed clear to me that she was comparing the relatively short pain of labor to the seemingly unending torture of hyperemesis gravidarum, but perhaps that’s because I’m currently at the end of an HG pregnancy?
My friends have all gotten used to me doing what sometimes sounds like lamaze breathing when we hang out, lol. ( for pain management)
I’ve been pregnant, and pregnancies go on FOREVER. Especially towards the end when every minute feels like an eternity. I didn’t even get very sick, poor Kate Middleton had extreme morning sickness. Child birth is no picnic, but at least it’s only a few hours (if you’re lucky). Not an endless, neverending eternity of…
I never said anything about abandoning anything. I posted that reply so anyone who is looking for alternatives to cough medicine and happens to also be reading this thread would be made aware of another option.
Good, frequent handwashing and sneezing/coughing into your bent elbow or shoulder is the best way to prevent the transmission of this virus and every other. Do what you can to keep surfaces clean. Masks are useless unless you are visiting a place where people are infected.
Don’t get plants from garden centres, florists, etc., they often carry diseases and die in a few weeks no matter what you do. Get plants from cuttings and seeds instead, and don't plant them in the soil from store bought plants that died, get new soil.
Everything I’ve read about the masks says they are basically useless for not getting corona virus and that civilians wearing them for this purposes is possibly leading to a shortage for health care workers who actually need them for any number Of reasons.
I’m getting a Panamanian phone with a new number!
Most people don't give their dogs enough exercise.
It’s like Christmas tree pine needles, you think you got them, then in April you move the couch, and more needles!
The show I’ve been practicing for opened last night! It went okay - the audience could have had a bit more energy (it’s dinner theater - maybe the food and open bar made them too sleepy to do more than chuckle?), but I did well enough to satisfy myself and my director. I did get a “woo!” from a table at my right, and…
Exactly, people are just using “Boomer” as a derogatory catch-all for any person older than their perceived generational peers
Came here to say this. Jane Fonda is not a Boomer.