Ishbushka West is a canned ham

This was literally the one day we didn’t need to shit on Mitt Romney. We already know he’s not our hero; it was enough to simply give props were props are earned. He earned them, yesterday. Leave it at that. Jeeze.

Romney took away Trump’s ability to say that the Republicans all voted to acquit, that it was just the Democrats. He probably turned whatever color purple and orange make.

I'm going with ‘no.'

Yeah, let’s spend less time worrying whether we should praise Mittens or not when we should be calling out people like Collins for being absolute trash.

The Germans call that “fremdschämen.” Hooray!

She’s gotta be out this year right?

I find youth pastors to be extra manipulative pieces of shit.

Perhaps not heroic but certainly gutsy. What I like is his speech about making this decision based on his faith. This is an issue that can split the republican vote. Mormon folk are not voting for Trump for sure now.

Something about cynically/deludely bullshitting the same large group of people every week, just seems to attract a certain type.

Not calling him a hero or anything but Romney's literally the first Senator in history to vote to remove a President of his own party during an Impeachment. 

Is there such a thing as a megachurch pastor who isn't a piece of shit? Serious question. I've met plenty of nice clergy but they've all been of, you know, regular size churches.

Meh. When a politician makes a right decision, that should be encouraged. Even if that person isn’t the best person on the planet. A) It couldn’t hurt, and B) telling them to fuck off probably is counterproductive ...

Normally I’d be all “Yeah, stick it to the royal,” but being that she was defrauded when trying to help people I’m glad she got the money back and will hopefully go into her next altruistic venture a little more aware of how people are.

Good using an actual picture of Howard street! That was taken from “Graffiti Alley”, which is several blocks north of the mosque mentioned in the article. That part of Howard has been gentrified as it is close to MICA and “The Station North Arts and Entertainment District”... The part of Howard where the mosque is

We need a new season of The Wire about this. 

That’s a shame. Had she actually used someone trustworthy it could have really helped to revitalize Some of Baltimore. I mean a whole ass department store for $130k! And $7mill of her $24 mill fortune is a third of her net worth. That’s huge , even for a millionaire. I’ve always had a soft spot for Baltimore. They use

Probably more sheltered. I bet she's just not used to asking for receipts or being defrauded since I bet very few people who live in Kuwait get a second chance to defraud a member of the royal family.

Also grey from an early age over here, and I stopped dyeing my hair about ten years ago. For me, the invisibility thing has been a bit different. I teach at a university, and my students’ attitudes to me have changed—I’m now, if people’s behaviour is any indication, somehow some combination of scary, irrelevant, and

54 and was prematurely grey in my younger years. I remember when the invisibility happened, about 5 years ago - I was at a hotel bar and the bartender literally did not see me. It has only increased since then - people walking into me on the sidewalk, not seeing me on subway stairs, waitstaff not noticing when I’m