It sounds like you deserve to lay on your couch all weekend, since your work hours are so long.
It sounds like you deserve to lay on your couch all weekend, since your work hours are so long.
I knew your dear kitty was having health issues and as soon as I saw his picture I realized what had happened and started crying. I’m so glad this cat found you when you needed him and so sad it couldn’t go on forever.
Love me some Pags! Particularly the seasonal specials.
When she said “I know it takes four and a half years” I thought she meant get out of the greys.
I have a dutch oven and I use it fairly frequently. I braise meat or saute onions in it and then make soup or chili, I slow roast pork shoulder over night, I slow cook beans or steel cut oats, I pop popcorn in olive oil in it, sometimes I use it as an extra large mixing bowl. It is cast iron and vintage. I don’t own a…
I have a dutch oven and I use it fairly frequently. I braise meat or saute onions in it and then make soup or chili,…
On a cement public staircase in the University of Cincinnati campus. Somebody had pissed on the bottom floor, we went up past the first landing. I was a townie, he was a collich boy and I regret that I was not drunk enough or attracted enough to justify any of it.
I like it! Who did the guitar part?
I just made two peach cobblers, one for each of my grown sons. They are the kind with cornmeal biscuits floating on top of the peaches and a generous sprinkling of large sugar crystals on top of the biscuits. Tomorrow I’m driving to Seattle to drop them off and see my kids.
Take some deep breaths. And some more deep breaths. The first day home with a new baby is such a shock to the system. When all the family and well wishers went home and I was alone with my oldest for the first time, the baby started crying and I started crying with him- I was just bewildered and overwhelmed.
Greetings from a fellow stoner cleaning lady!
I had a friend who could not light a fire. I went to gather wood, left her to light the fire, came back and she was holding a lighter to the end of a big log, a little pile of kindling and stack of newspaper lying unused next to the fire pit.
My kids. I have to read them birthday cards from their grandparents.
I star you for your empathy and support. While entertaining, I wouldn’t touch that “beer” with a flagpole wrapped in a condom.
Reign. Rein. Rain.
I was about to say that but then it occurred to me that Ms. Netherland could be subtly referencing the Dead Milkmen -
Oregon is the Kentucky of the west coast.
Those prices had me checking the exchange rate real quick because, really?
I think you need a /s, people seem to be taking this the wrong way or just not reading all the way to the bottom.
Yeah, as a bookish introvert the suggestion of team sports sent a shiver up my spine. Social interaction with like minded people is a great idea, but getting sweaty with the jocks sounds like pure hell.
RHUBARB CANDY!!! Excuse me for shouting but where can I get some?