Why does someone like David Bowie die in their 60s and KFC gobbling fat fuck Donald get 10 more years on him?
Why does someone like David Bowie die in their 60s and KFC gobbling fat fuck Donald get 10 more years on him?
How is it possible for a 71 year old man to have ZERO social graces???
My love for Nicole and hatred for Tom have grown at about the same rate.
Somewhere, Nicole Kidman is reading this and cackling.
One thing is having suicidal thoughts and another thing is having a killing frenzy and then hope being killed because you do not want take responsibility of what you did.
Ryan Seacrest is upset that Katy Perry is being offered way (waaaay) more to do American Idol than he is. [Page Six]
Yeah, Cosby, because the thought of someone making you ingest something against your will and knowledge is pretty fucking horrifying, huh?
And now it’s being reported that the ‘person of interest’ being investigated is Jared Kushner.
Let she who has NOT hidden in the drapes to avoid the sweaty advances of an inveterate pussy-grabber cast the first stone. Amirite, ladies?
Samira Wiley is perfection and this is my alternate ending.
Reading these angry comments like:
I want to be excited for the next Fantastic Beast but every bit of news about Johnny Depp makes me so damn anxious for that franchise. Why did you do this to us, JK?
There actually is something in that article that surprised me. I’m genuinely startled that Johnny Depp, who billed himself as a Capital-A Actor long after he started mostly doing big, dumb, family movies, doesn’t bother to memorize his lines anymore. Wasn’t that one of the signs that Marlon Brando had given up on…
Is it a passel, a murder, a flock, or a herd of assholes?
Do you understand the kind of brainwashing that woman has been subject to for her entire life? People in Quiverfull circles actually think that divorce is worse than murder. She’s under incredible pressure from both sides of the family to “forgive” him. And since she’s probably been homeschooled her entire life until…
Taking the time to call out Aziz Ansari’s show Master of None (season 2 premieres in May!). He plays a struggling actor and one episode was entirely devoted to how many Indian roles are white-washed or must involve a heavy accent.
And ladders and shovels and dynamite and bolt cutters and welding torches and pick axes and rock hammers and Rita Hayworth posters and...
“I like Sophies that didn’t have to make a choice. SAD.” DJT