

It’s an inarguable fact that Mantzoukas is the greatest Comedy Bang Bang guest.

I feel bad that Jeffrey Characterwheaties has been typecast as a Jason Mantzoukas type for this long.

Yeah...I will eat my shorts if he takes a single substantive action towards better family/maternity leave policies. The current system is an absolute disgrace, but to believe he gives a fuck about the position we put families in when they have a child is laughable. My husband and I are currently trying to have our

That’s pretty much what they said about Roseanne and, yet, here we are.

Oh, come on. You know that if she didn’t respond, people would’ve written op-eds being like, “Why hasn’t Hillary responded? Does she endorse sexual harassment?” Everything Hillary Clinton does and does not do is news and has been since at least 1992.

I did research on workplace sexual harassment in law school. I’m hardly an expert, but a lot of my research showed that a reason some victims do not come forward is that they do not actually want to ruin their harasser’s life and get him fired. For some victims, they want a more restorative approach (counselling,

Can we stop with the Clinton shit. She is no longer news. She is not the president. She is not actively destroying our country. She is a flawed person who has made a fair amount of stupid decisions in her life. She has also been attacked relentlessly for her mistakes. And also for everything else she has ever done. It

If Hillary was President right now, DACA would still be in place.

Same. I wish he would have said “I made my original statement out of ignorance and privilege. I will do everything I can educate myself on the issues that women face in this industry and work to eradicate them.” I realize this is a “Locke moved the island and now we’re in a weird wormhole where men speak thoughtfully

So everyone does realize that he’s delaying this because he decided he’s actually going to make it a real ceremony, right? And that he probably tasked some soulless pawn in his admin to secure a venue, DJ, etc., so he can really “stick it to the libs.”

Fan-fucking-tastic. Roy Moore and his campaigh doubled down on “She’s a liar” and got a huge percentage of the entire voting population of the state to fully believe that she’s a liar. That’s textbook defamation, frankly. And he’ll have to go under oath if the case makes it to trial.

Au contraire!

The kids like listening to mentally-ill or -challenged freak shows, who mumble and slur to sound like they’ve been obliterated by pills and/or “lean”, while “rapping” about how fucked up mentally, physically and, spiritually they are.

Frum shame away, I say.

Chanukah doesn’t start until next week, so here’s the obligatory chaser:

It’s been a year since Tom Arnold claimed to have seen seriously incriminating Trump tapes from The Apprentice. Figuring that his Roseanne alimony checks are long gone, maybe a gofundme to release the tapes would convince him. In this magnificent long overdue season of the douchebag reveal, Trump’s shit needs to be

Funny how so many apologists keep parroting on about “why didn’t these women say anything sooner?”, and apart from the fact that there are a million valid reasons that most victims don’t come forward at the time, there’s also the fact that actually a lot of them did and were utterly ignored because no one gave a shit