
asking that in the UK can cause an infinite feedback loop.

The IceMole Operator:

wow, he looks like Bradley Cooper here. Or Charlie Day

How did we, as a species, go from the brilliant Blazing Saddles to this?

I often meet people who have complicated relationships with food - also, I am one of those people. What is written here about this woman reminds me so much of my disordered-eating years. Food was a magical substance that could cure me, sedate me or kill me. Fiction was fact and I was a neurotic binge-eater or a

I feel like this sentiment that our world is toxic often goes hand in hand with obsessively eating certain foods without thought to what that might actually be doing to the body.

Improved your photo:

"that the next time you lick vanilla ice cream from a cone, there's a good chance you'll be swirling secretions from a beaver's anal glands around in your mouth." Indeed. "Called castoreum, this secretion is used as a 'natural flavor' not only in vanilla ice cream but also in strawberry oatmeal and

Yes, it's not even necessarily that it makes me mad. It's more that I feel a deep, soul-rending sadness that these people want to give up the wonders of the universe in favor of the lies they tell themselves.

But you need a scientist to develop that baloney detector. Last time a layman tried it got confused with mortadella.

then proceeded to make statements like "I just want to ask questions"

Uber, I thought you'd like to see this. Look what you did to her google. Look at it.

There's a pretty vicious undercurrent of poverty shaming to Vani's writing. Not everyone can afford to eat organic, much less the crap she hawks on her page. And yet she promotes the idea that if you're not embracing her diet, you're unhealthy and don't care about what goes into your body. Or that you're an awful

Typical medieval basher. You've bought into the Early Modernist's WEB OF LIES AND SLANDER about the middle ages. Sure they didn't have "advanced" "science" or "medical" "care" that "would be more likely to cure than to kill you," but they weren't just stumbling around in the dark sticking leeches on each other and

Learn some fucking science, "Food Babe."

That Real Time episode made me so mad I almost threw something through my TV. The part that had me so spitting angry, though, was when he talked about how vaccinating makes your immune system lazy and ineffective because it never has to work I terrified my cats by screaming over and over, "Vaccines work by stimulating

Ok as a medievalist I need to make a minor correction. When you look at the life expectancy rate of pre-modern and early modern Europe, you need to take into account the high infant mortality rate. If an individual survived childhood, the life expectancy was 50-60 years old. Not great, but certainly better than the

these people have to have some sort of mental illness. Highly processed food isnt great and shouldnt be the corner stone of a good diet. However, this insane fixation on chemicals and bodily purity seems like some sort of anxiety disorder, eating disorder or something even borderline psychotic.

Read this while eating nacho cheese Doritos, for the record.

Thank you, this is awesome. You don't need to be a scientist to know what she's saying is crap, just a good baloney detector and some critical thinking skills.