
One of my BFFs got an engagement puppy instead of a ring. I am so happy I was there when another friend was like “but the dog will die eventually! That’s stupid!” She answered “yes, the dog will probably die. And when he does, we’ll go down to city hall and file for divorce the next day. I’ll text you.”

Yeah, I feel like ironically, “butch and leisurely” is more fashionable now than the bandage dress. Gimme them fashion sneaker, sweatshirts and track pants any day.

Did I go through some standing stones and fall back in time to 2007? NO ONE should be wearing bandage dresses anymore.

I’m not a Kim fan, but come on. She looks great in that dress. That guy is a twit.


I think websites like this are great. Like it or not, people of all stripes get different cosmetic procedures. And, like it or not, there are a lot of sketchy doctors doing less than quality work out there. Yes, you can check with the medical board and look at their referral photos, but that only gets you so far.

I can only hope that it was the victim’s divine knee, inspiring itself into the rapist’s scrotum.

That gif says everything that I have no words for.

It’s killing me that he is an aspiring divinity student!

Well, since you technically asked...

The assault allegedly took place during a tradition authorities say was called the “Senior Salute,” in which graduating senior boys attempt to take the virginities of younger girls before graduating.

“moment of ‘divine inspiration’” caused him to stop.

Let’s be honest... they’re not all natural blondes.

It looks like one big tampon commercial.

Hmm, is it possible they’re just worried everyone else will look mondo-unattractive in comparison? Might be a valid concern.

I have never seen a box of Cheetos in my life. Am I missing something? Have I been missing out my entire life?

I ran 2013 Boston with a tampon in. Got chafed on the string. Sat around in sweaty clothes for over 15 hours because of bombing and inability to get home. Ended up with staph infection on my right labia. What a week! THAT was terrorism.

Thousands of 11 year old girls just wrote a note to themselves: If DEFCON 1 nightmare situation happens in gym, pretend it was a political statement.

i mean i’ve seen published, non-pixelated photos of marath0n runners with literal shit running down their legs