
Yep. Same story here, D cup by 7th grade. I still remember finding an “I want to motorboat you” note in my locker and having to go home and Google “motorboating.” Or maybe it was AskJeeves back then? Still so gross.

Absolutely. Owners are responsible for their dog’s behavior full stop. My dad briefly adopted a pittie/staffordshire terrier mix but did not have time to adequately train her due to a combination of working and being responsible for taking care of my ailing grandpa. The second he found out the dog had been jumping on

I just have to commend you on the phrase “she set people/pitbull relations back by decades” because that could not be more true. Poor Kingsley :(

The correct response.

Stealing this for my boyfriend too, thanks boo

You’ve reminded me that I really need to drive up to Michigan soon to “visit my parents” aka stock up on Shorts

So foul. Not quite as bad, but when I was at a club in Italy with my 16 year old little sister, some skeezy dude kept trying to grind up on her and I was trying to run interference when he grabbed my bare ass under my dress. I smacked him HARD in the face and got us kicked out of the club, but it was well worth it.

That feature is one of many reasons I deleted Facebook. There are things a girl just does not need to know. Hope the next guy turns out better than the last two clowns!!

My jaw is on the floor right now. Insane!


I was suspicious of this show as a #1 RuPaul stan, but I honestly think he's doing a better job than anyone else could. On his podcast, he regularly speaks about his own plastic surgery and the surgeries he wants to get. He seems appreciative of plastics in the same way that he's appreciative of drag, as an art form,

I will never forget the time New York hosted the 2011 NYE party at my local gay bar. After she performed, my friends and I rushed the stage and I kissed her cheek and she was SO BEAUTIFUL up close and so sweet too, ugh, love that girl.

I had a similar outlook a few years ago after getting my heart smashed by someone who I thought was “the forever one.” It took a while, but I came out of it with an outlook along the lines of “Don’t take anyone more seriously than you take yourself. You can and will survive every experience, even the horrible ones.

Perfect response, I hope he grew the fuck up and learned his lesson

I posted something similar above, do not understand why they can't just clean this up!! I think mine likes to leave it there as a badge of pride, like "Look Mom, I grew this!"

And why, WHY, can they never run the tap after shaving?? It would take 5 seconds to clean all that face fuzz out of the sink! But no, he leaves it all for me. I think he's secretly proud of it.

My boyfriend complained about this once and I reminded him that I've found his pubic hair INSIDE of me. He quit bitching.

ME ME ME!! PLEASE!!!! *raises hand wildly, look around studio apartment*


I have refused to fuck my boyfriend until he takes his Gas-X more than once. It's basically our Viagra