
They did actually lay down the law. As a result of UNC’s massive fraud, the NCAA game SMU 3 years probation and a tourney ban.

Clearly you’re not paying attention. They came down hard. That program got a really easy bracket and a #1 seed.

All I can think about is every youth coach in the 70's screaming, “Follow your shot!” God, I’m old.

Well, see, here you go again. And the answer is no. Any objective reading of presidential history puts Obama nowhere near the bottom of that list. There were three truly, unabashedly horrible 20th century presidents: Harding, Hoover, and Nixon. Obama was worse than those guys? No, he was not. I think Carter was worse

I mean, who the hell wants GDP growth, lower unemployment, 72 consecutive months of job growth, lower deficit and 20 million more people with health insurance? Ugh!

Shut the fuck up and get me my fries.

“What if there are just no Browns”

I think it’d be pretty easy for Colin to avoid seeing his mom in Denver. Just make sure she’s an open receiver, they’ll never connect.

> Suppose that Jay-Z and Vanilla Ice are hanging out.

Really? Trust me, there is zero percent chance that she and her 14 hired trainers, helpers etc. didn’t know about this drug being banned, despite her protests of innocence. I know she is acting shocked, shocked - but its all acting, nothing more.

You’re naive.

I will say this. Given how many sports cheats have been discovered over the years, it’s astounding nobody has managed to game the system to protect the elite stars. Science nerds give zero fucks. I know the samples are blind or whatever, but...still.

I was pretty anti-PED sanctimony during the baseball kerfuffle so I

Manning: Like Forrest Gump said, “I got you some ice cream.” Just kidding. It’s my balls in your face.

Damn. I was figuring the quote would come from the scene where he shows LBJ his butt.

Only an asshole would complain about shortcuts and say U instead of YOU.

Straight Up.

McGregor: “I should create my own belt because I am, in myself, my own belt. It doesn’t matter weight. It doesn’t matter if it’s a featherweight, the lightweight, the welterweight, it’s the McGregor belt, so that’s it. I’m fighting for my own belt.”

Does this make it better though? Cam’s response to people complaining about his celebrations was if you don’t like it, stop me (which I completely agree with) but when somebody did just that, he can’t handle being on the other end of it? I like Newton, but this just wasn’t a good look for him.

Thanks for getting the “angry idiot doesn’t understand a joke” comment out of the way.

I don’t have any friends. Stop making assumptions, dipshit.

Wu Ke mistake.