I am now also distinctly remembering the sound mixing in Interstellar and how much I HATED it. With a passion. Shit, has dampened my excitement for this a it.
I am now also distinctly remembering the sound mixing in Interstellar and how much I HATED it. With a passion. Shit, has dampened my excitement for this a it.
You know, Harry Styles aside, I have seen many articles (not just on this site) surrounding this movie being like “Here is what Dunkirk is” “Even though no one knows what Dunkirk was” “An explainer about Dunkirk for Americans”. Do Americans REALLY not know about Dunkirk!? I know we are not the most educated especially…
It’s really not that strange.... negotiating deals take a long time, and they only just got the green light. They are not going to announce it and take away any bargaining power they have, but they will make a deal with her.
omg. Did you just make this? I can’t stop laughing.
LOL. You mad at her GIFS bro?
Yeah, I feel like if you bleed onto your chair or pants or whatever, the normal visceral reaction would be embarrassment. Not because a teen mag told you to be embarrassed by your period, but because thats normal! Like same if you peed your pants! The column probably helped actually, so you could think - Oh thank god…
I once in a Vulture comments section said that Ahmed was the obviously and perfect choice for this and got TORN THE FUCK APART because I obviously must only know one “Middle Eastern” actor. But I stand by it. He is the only choice. Add some rap verses. YOU CAN’T LOST.
LOL If a dude stops to take a shit you’re supposed to hang out and wait for him???
Yeah who does he date who is white???
I mean I get some of the critiques of Master of None - but the fact that she is white is LITERALLY the point and the main narrative driver of the whole damn movie here. If she was not white, there would be no movie. So what would this author prefer? Also I thought the depictions of the Pakistani women he was being…
Or maybe people who actually live in NJ and pay the taxes DO use these beaches because they are not fucking expensive and apparently hidden away from annoying ass tourists like you.
Nah, Conservatives mock Michelle Obama because they are racist and she makes them feel ugly and pointless inside by being both black and beautiful. Christie is obese because he is a greedy glutton who literally is able to stuff his face constantly, fed by the taxpayers money that he is ripping off them so yeah I say…
Both of those answers are insane. ( not you insane, but insane if that is actually the reach she is making)
“It’s the imagery of the Bernie brothers and the pajama boys and the Hillary Clintonistas.”
I sort of felt like that was what he was hoping would happen. He’s basically saying without saying that the 3 of them (Harry, William and Kate) would be in favor of getting rid of the Monarchy. But since that doesn’t seem to be on the table, he decided to just roll with it and try to use it as much of a force for good…
As a person with an autoimmune disease, I am not offended in any way shape or form and actually think this is a pretty good analogy. People need to sit the fuck down.
Lol please do that. I actually think it sounds like a super great idea!
What? You are insinuating that he would deserve to have to pay THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS to save his life if he had in fact allowed his cat to be outside !?!?!? DO you know how many people in rural areas have outside pets??
One point is because up and coming actors these days are not getting the chance to star across a myriad of midrange projects in various genres because the midrange movie no longer really exists. They instead get thrust directly onto the A List but on an IP. So the movie is successful because of the IP not because of…