
she's two more drinks away from going full Sally Langston

um yeah that scene was weird

I understand why Fitz is so intent on Jake confessing, but why the fuck is Cyrus so sure of it? Why doesn't Cyrus think Papa Pope MIGHT, MAYBE, SOMEHOW, POSSIBLY be involved. You know, because of literally everything he's ever done on this show.

Cyrus: "Your boyfriend...I'm sorry, your other boyfriend." Shade?

I hate Fitz and I have done cocaine.

Here for Eat Everything That Is Not Nailed Down Mellie

Four for you, Angela Merkel. YOU GO ANGELA MERKEL.

Good for you Merkel showing the guts to stand up to that disgusting macho-pig with gusto. Lady, you have intestinal fortitude.

I just want to say: I HATE the new Kinja variant on the Grays. I hate that comments I make are *never* visible to anyone. I hate that the space I used to think of as a community has completely silenced me because I'm not part of the in-crowd. You want to put us less-frequent commentators lower on the list—-fine.

This is a brilliant move by Noth to make sure he never has to be involved in a Sex and the City production ever again.

but it looks like it's on lightly burnt papers.

But she likes Blake Lively. It is not just because Goopy is younger. Goopy is just so easy to make fun of. I mean, look at that face! That is a face you wanna throw a drink at.

Word. Martha's getting all "Game of Thrones" on her rich white homemaker competition. Can't wait to see what she does to Blake Lively next.

I have never been that crazy about her, but I think I am in love with her for this. It's hysterical, I WANT MORE. Please, Martha, take some of her most epic quotes about things like pizza ovens as investments and GO TO TOWN, Lady.

On holiday in Spain, my grandfather cheered when the bull got a piece of the matador. He said the maitre d (or whatever) of his hotel was gracious, but very quick to come over and say to him "no, no, Mr Whalen...we do not cheer for the bull".

whatever it does, it's doing it right now.

We would have also accepted "a bucket of warm piss" or "the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived."

Another one of those time were Joe was speaking his mind and he realized he might get in trouble for speaking the truth. We need more Joe Bidens in politics. Possibly is life.