Leave Me Alone

I hope they depose Murray about every rotten thing he's ever done. This could turn out to be the stupidest lawsuit he's ever filed.

In any close election many things make the difference. Definitely misogyny was enough to make the difference but so were many things within her control. The problem with blaming misogyny is that there wasn't much she could do about it.

"Stifling speech you don't agree with, verbally and physically disrupting political events or rallies held by the opposition, shutting out any dissenting view about religion or science, shooting congressmen, and the list goes on and on."

The usual pack of lies. Alinsky, who I have read and you have not, was about community action to get things like traffic lights at dangerous intersections in poor neighborhoods. And no, I am not a radical and not a devotee of his. Don't leap to conclusions.
Obama saying "you didn't build that" was explained by

See Steever54 above for an example of calling people a cockroach and he hates liberals. I have never seen rhetoric from liberals such as you describe. I have seen plenty from the right wing, some aimed at liberals and some falsely attributed to liberals. Take responsibility for your own rage.

Liberals, or "leftists" are not "out of control" since Obama, who is not seen as the messiah by anyone, left office. You are thinking of anarchists who have been assaulting people to discredit liberals who they hate more than anybody. Try googling "black bloc."

I noticed that now when anyone, even Trump's own lawyer, says Trump is not under investigation it is usually followed by "for colluding with Russia" or some such limitation. I think DoJ has opened an investigation of Trump for obstruction. While Trump asking Comey to drop the investigation was not enough to

I am well old enough to remember when most people had their milk delivered around where I live. The little door was so you didn't have to go outside in the freezing cold winter to get your milk or cream for your morning coffee. We, and most people, had ours delivered to our back door to an insulated milk box with a

It's on Wikipedia. "During a Fox News broadcast, Rivera began to disclose an upcoming operation, even going so far as to draw a map in the sand for his audience. The military immediately issued a firm denunciation of his actions, saying it put the operation at risk; Rivera was expelled from Iraq."

Is Brendan Gleeson available?

Your comment is wrong in almost every sentence.

This strategy parallels Trumps business strategy in real life. Legally agree to something (a contract or visa or green card) violate the agreement, be taken to court, delay delay delay with the help of "friendly" judges and bleed the other party dry. Step 3: profit!

Have you checked out Newsweek's story about what Trump had prepared to use against Bernie, just in case? Also, you are discounting the power of propaganda, repeating a lie so often even the opposition starts repeating it (e.g. the nonexistent "long form birth certificate"). I am sure the lies would have beaten

Again, it's clear you didn't watch the show. His "sole purpose" was not to mock anybody. He was using humor to show what he thought was wrong with the messages of right-wing pundits, but he had many other targets including people you seem to believe he wouldn't criticize. He is far from smug and he didn't victimize

No there isn't, you passive aggressive jerk. There is way more hate coming from Trump himself and his followers. I spent the night before election reading about the guy who started the meme about the media and a rope, some assembly required. Thousands screamed to "lock her up" for no crime they could name, hang

I don't see George Orwell's "1984" mentioned anywhere on here (I haven't looked everywhere yet but there is so much and I'm getting too upset). The power of a lie repeated over and over again—that's one of the main things I see in this election.

Only eight years after the Republicans completely screwed over the country. Nobody learns anything.

Cheney ordering Ed and Peggy wear the wire, the cops all going along with it, nobody caring about the murdered shop owner, all the cops wearing the same thing, radio silence and much much more are all harder to believe than the UFO. The whole story is unbelievable. It's a postmodern, metadramatic work. The writers

This was certainly not the first television show "to be built around a female protagonist." I'm not sure what was but "Beulah" was from 1950. Maybe you meant cop show?