Putting aside the Jan 6th stuff his wife didn’t agree with and couldn’t live with, how about the Roe V. Wade outcome that all these GOP assholes are trying to overturn cause they just can’t live with it.
Putting aside the Jan 6th stuff his wife didn’t agree with and couldn’t live with, how about the Roe V. Wade outcome that all these GOP assholes are trying to overturn cause they just can’t live with it.
“You have to live with rulings you do not like” is a funny argument to make in defense of overturning a ruling you did not like.
I know judges think of themselves as keeping society in order and I’m sure this is turned up to 11 for anyone who lives in D.C.
American Justices pointing to British law is pretty messed up in my book. I hope he doesn’t celebrate Independence Day if he cites their laws maybe he should move there. Also pointing to laws from the 17th century is also messed up in 2022.
He’s quite good at picking and choosing the historical sources he intends to use to support whatever outcome he’s chosen. Most sources from that time would not have considered pre-quickening abortion to be a serious crime, but Alito would prefer to find the ones that match the decision he’s already reached.
Great point and important observation. It goes to show, that to the extent that abortion was not historically viewed as a “fundamental” right, it is because historically it was men who got to decide what was “fundamental,” and those men who decided women’s right to bodily autonomy didn’t include abortion also thought…
Call me crazy, but I’m a tad concerned this could eventually entail marrying off young girls in order to induce them to start having kids sooner…Are US women one day going to go so backwards as to end up like countries in the Middle East? No education, no financial independence, no choices, just marriage, housework,…
“You think about what MLK stood for, he said he didn’t want people judged on the color of their skin but on the content of their character. You listen to some of these people nowadays, they don’t talk about that.”
I also don’t know why he’s pretending like “pale” isn’t his number one criteria for who is attractive.
I think this is definitely a cultural thing. AOC just has the unfortunate job combination of being a leftist WOC in this country so it’s amplified all the more.
The year is also ending without Betty White who won’t see 2022. This year SUCKS.
Could you sue them for damages in civil court? Money seems to be the language his family speaks.
So when cops and DA’s complain that women won’t report rapes or testify, maybe they can direct their anger to bullshit like this.
Ivermectin causes sterilization so how about we all crowd fund a bunch of it and send it down there?
You mean the men in power could have eliminated rape all this time and they're just now getting started on it?
“And Texas will work tirelessly to make sure that we eliminate all rapists from the streets of Texas by aggressively going out and arresting them”
On behalf of parents everywhere whose kids just left their crap behind for them to deal with, fuck that guy.
Dude had TWELVE BOXES of the stuff. I’m guessing there was indeed a previous issue.
If someone does actually manage to convince him that he needs to be present at the inauguration, he'll be doing that pouty crossed-arms toddler pose for sure.
Our best hope is that he does and then KY Governor can appoint McGrath or Booker. The sooner the better.