She is 15.
She is 15.
A few things from a person on the ground in Michigan:
Trump has worse dementia than Biden. He’s also not just a poor eater in bad physical health, he’s also an awful person who’s brain is full of worms and mush. I’d take either Dem over him, even on life support.
I honestly thought to myself for a second thats its never a nice thing to wish a disease on someone, and then I remembered that he just the other day wanted to not let a cruise ship dock and release passengers because it would make his numbers look bad.
No trump has ever made a deal in good faith. It’s a wonder people still do business with them at all. This is a family that is long overdue for a sudden, catastrophic, and permanent fall.
The word you’re looking for is “testerical.” He is getting testerical here.
At first I would expect “pro life” people to be outraged by this, but then I realized it’s in a jail cell, so they’ll just respond with “this never would have happened if she didn’t break the law”.
Every morning the supposedly liberal media fills in the template for the “stupid shit Trump said” story du jour. Every action the government undertakes is attributed to him, even though we know with ironclad certainty he has no idea what’s going on and wouldn’t understand any of it if it was drawn in crayon on…
I want him to sing like a fucking bird about all his clients because he thinks it will get him a sweet deal...
...and he gets life in prison just like the rest of them.
I hope one of those names rhymes with Ronald Dump.
Or work release! Amirite?
Yeah, this dude should currently be protected like the crown jewels, dude has some serious dirt on powerful people that needs to get out.
He would be getting off too easy if he kills himself, especially before going to trial. He needs to sing in court, suffer in prison, then die.
This is depressingly true. So many men do not accept anything other than this as rape, in part because it would force lots of them to take a good hard look at their own actions.
The only way donald trump could make America great again would be by dying.
*Cheif* (per Trump)
Every once in a while, Fat Donny Two Scoops says something believable, and I don’t think he’s lying when he says North Korea wasn’t paid 2 million dollars for Warmbier. He didn’t say he didn’t promise to give them 2 million dollars, just that he never paid. Not paying debts is his most consistent character trait.
“Holding hands with these men feels, yet tingly scary at the same time. I shall have to ask Mother to explain these feelings.”
I was traveling in the afternoon, yesterday, and a bunch of the hearing was coming over NPR. What struck me the most was BK’s argumentative tone, his whinging, all the shouting and the nonstop haranguing about how all the dem questions were part of some vast left wing conspiracy. Honestly, democrats couldn’t come up…
Another one out at the revolving door administration. It’s hard to keep up.