
Killing poor people anyway they can. JFC!

BUT, who is going to monitor the mentally ill non-students?

Just don’t have sex....see how easy that is??

Could there be anything lese important to talk about???

Also...hundreds of people DIED in Texas when Ted was vaca’ing in Cancun...did anyone die because AOC vaca’d and dined in Miami??

Somehow it couldn’t be white feet. 

He, Ted Cruz, Darrell Issa, Duncan Hunter, Paul Ryan....more I can;t think of right now....all punchable....jerk with a smirk

Fuck that shit. Take all he’s got and his company’s assets too. Aren’t corporation people now???

No child is illegitimate...or a bastard.  

It doesn’t matter who you love, or how you love, but that you love.” Rod McKuen 

I wondered if he was just bored and the spotlight was no longer on his orangeness. Need that face on a dart board.....

Maybe they were hoping someone would take care of him and save the budget by putting him in general population.

Condolences to the family and all who knew her.

Awesome post! The whole NATO visit was cringeworthy. I wish someone would break their own protocol and confront him...verbally (actually wishing they just slap him).

And women reply, “It’s none of your fucking business.” Or does this law require the doctor to be satisfied with their answer? Bad enough they want doctors to lie to women about their pregnancies or their own health if they “might” consider an abortion or needing to have a man sign consent. WTF!!

I’m personally thinking of running down the street naked and screaming. I can’t hold it in anymore!!!

My ex-husband had applied for SS Disability before we met and was turned down. I helped him appeal and they found he had been disabled but “due to an administrative error” they couldn’t give him the back money they owed him. I called the person who wrote the letter and asked what the administrative error was. She told

“at least we have something in common, perhaps,”

I don’t understand why you would say victims are not entitled to financial restitution. Victims often need psychological counseling, medical care or to replace property due to the crime against them. Their perpetrator being in jail is justice, not restitution.  

My mother, at 75, chased a man she found climbing in her window. Good thing he was faster cause she would have kicked his ass. The LEO who came to take her report knew my sister. He called her and said “Tell your mother NOT to chase anyone, she could have been hurt”. Mom took no shit from anyone.