Nancy Arseneault-Heald

I kind of think she just had a complete in-her-head meltdown. On UnTucked they show her listening to the music with Nina, and the song wasn't so complicated she couldn't just fake it halfway decently. IMO She just kind of froze from the stress of the moment.

She's touring the facility and taking up slack.

Although if she didn't think she could possibly reflect well against all those diva types, maybe she was going for young and silly.

I am reminded that Buffy killed Angel and that did not take either.

She seemed to feel entitled to me, and that really bugged.

I don't know that this is true, because the post-win reunion was already filmed and the winner would have been known by then.

I am hoping Alaska's actions this episode might have pushed the voting audience away from her if the finale comes down to that.

How could you forget Chiwetel Ejiofor in Kinky Boots?

I know, right? Now I have to figure out how I can see this over here in Los Angeles.

Yeah. but it is a really nice tent.

My knees need a couple of minutes to loosen up after a long stretch of recliner-time. I think attempting the Ninja Warrior course just might kill me.

"…the only way Katya could be Diana is if she were in the tunnel".

Victoria was all… Victorian, and still gave birth to a boatload of kids. There had to be some way of making fun of that.

Clara Bow reportedly screwed an entire football team at one time… could you imagine what Katya could have done with that?

Dang, I didn't even know this existed. Now I am Completely On Board.

I feel like if May West was alive in this day and age, she would be absolutely filthy, considering she was pretty damn raunchy for her time. So to me Alaska nailed it perfectly.

It is the only movie I have ver seen that voice-overs the characters thoughts, which I thought was brilliant at the time. I had read the books though, so it all made perfect sense to me.

I thought the costumes deserve a decent golf clap.

Gordon is Alive !!?

Gordon is Alive !!?