
I thought once he died, the link was severed because he can only become something while he's in a trance. and i'm convinced the true heir was the guy who got leeched.

isn't he true rightful heir the blacksmith's apprentice who was leeched?

this is so hilarious, especially is you're familiar with tennis and even more laughable is you know what goes down at the Wimbledon. it's a whopping 43 minutes and I laughed for about 40 minutes of it. I watched the isner match and this may use the same premise about no tiebreakers in the fifth set, but everything

they filmed this in three days.

is his direwolf a subtle hint? and if he is not the father but willing to lie to his wife and tell her he had an affair, could it cause the child's life was in danger if anyone ever found out his true identity?

okay, so hit me with it! and hardhome — is that where the major battle was?

but my two theories confuse me because the creators said the attempt to convince the wildling to join him on the boat — that whole scene — was only referenced to in the book but they wanted to create that big scene. that's why the whitewalker couldn't take his eyes off of him. when did they refer to his real parents

he is currently working on the last two books so they can say anything. the series' writers know where he's going with things but who's to say so far. all I can say is that is the one true heir who was last seen attempting to boat for the first time, does not become king, I will be shocked because he's hardly shown

but didn't she say that in dorn, they don't refmen as whores?

I want to watch it rather than read it but the fact that his jet black hair made me wonder. I just asked my neighbor and she said there's no clue to his mother right now. and unless she's red and the father is the person who can bring him back to life, what does it matter now?

I was convinced he wasn't going to die because brienne wouldn't shut up. the exit was perfect as it all began with stanis listening to the red woman and letting her kill his brother in front of brienne who swore her life to protect him. following red's advice, he burns his daughter to have nice weather leading to his

i'm convinced the thought lost would only last less than a season and the wrote the story using Mad-Libs.

jon snow is dead unless people from that period could bled out and live. what is the purpose of knowing who his mother is now that he's rather unalive? my thoughts originally were the red woman because when she first saw him, her reaction was one of curiosity/amazement/shock or something. but then I realized the

guaranteed the hound is still alive