They will do anything to save their pussy!
They will do anything to save their pussy!
“They’re probably trying to make a point about media sensationalism, about online outlets, especially, being willing to cover salacious stories without fact-checking them. Done in a less disgusting and rank way, that would be fair. It would be impish, mischievous good fun.”
You totally fell for a hoax without doing your basic legwork or using some journalistic common sense, and now you’re trying to cover your tracks and hide your shame by lashing out at the band. You yourself are taking no responsibility what so ever for your part in perpetuating this by being a bad journalist.
Remember when leaked sex tape publicity actually involved making a real sex tape and leaking it yourself (a la Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian)? Are the kids today so lazy they can’t even bother to make a real sex tape to leak themselves?
Jay’s thought bubble:
Bey: So then Jay stepped out on me with this Becky. But it’s cool because I’m gonna record a whole album about it.
Even leaving aside the blind item this photo made me laugh out loud.
This is pretty much my take on the Sanders candidacy. My biggest fear (unfounded, but strongly suspected) is that he wins the nom, wins the general, cannot broker his “revolutionary” legislation (not even making marginal gains, if he is so committed to his vision as to be recalcitrant to compromise), and the GOP takes…
As a quiet-minded introverted liberal, I would just like there to be much less shouting.
1) This dumb election has made every single politically minded person lose their minds and I can’t wait until it’s over