
I realize that this is just the internet, but for a technology blog, this place sure has the luddite comments on lockdown. Holy shit the grays are fantastic! It’s like the high school computer lab in racistville was left open to Gizmodo.

I’ve wanted to say what you did, but coming off my mouth (because it pisses me off) it ends up sounding like Trump. You put it so much more eloquently. So kudos for that. 100% agree with you. I want to give you 100 stars for that comment.

Eh, I don’t want to silence prima donna players making millions of dollars off of a game, but I do have a problem with disrespecting the flag, anthem, and our country. These players have a unique opportunity to bring racism and inequality to the forefront, but they don’t have to disrespect our country in doing so.

Those prosperity gospel believers defending Osteen are the same folks who are still waiting for trickle down to kick in for them.