
Over the past few years, I’ve started thinking in just one word: fuck.

How is this capatalism’s fault, when the country they’re sucking up isn’t even particularly capitalist?

Can I just say how rare, and refreshing, it is to see this civil discourse between you & nogas?

And since someone wants to keep dismissing my comments that are critical of China, I will say this of how companies are guilty:

Fair enough, and I’ll definitely agree with you there.

It seems as though we have two different perspectives on the article. I will say this, and I know we agree on it. It’s bullshit. Let them speak.

They’re shortening it to HKA to avoid saying ‘Hong Kong’. The talk they’re giving is corporate speak to obfuscate the purpose: don’t let folks say Hong Kong, don’t let folks give traction to a movement, don’t let the outside world take notice.