
I think the Age of Accountability is the mainline belief among the crazies but maybe the full on crazy YOUR BABY IS GOING TO HELL crowd is bigger than I thought (that's a really sad level of wishful thinking on my part.)

I mean, its still basically the Age of Accountability belief, just on a waaaaaay more strict level.

Most crazies have a belief in an "age of accountability" (generally accepted to be around 12) that nicely skirts that abortion-Barbie God problem.

He did that a lot. "Imma let all these ladies be the first witnesses to the resurrection because i'm pretty sure feminism is right around the corner...there's no way mankind will fuck this up! Hello ladiez!"

Also, I totally agree about "Christianity Lite", but I love it. I have called my denomination Diet Catholic or Catholic Lite since I was a rowdy teenager and thought I was sooooo hilarious.

Now that I'm a grown-up and concerned about the fake sweeteners in diet soda, I need to come up with a better analogy for my

That's a fair perspective (and one I face frequently from people inside the Church who disagree with my theological choices) but I prefer to see it as being a part of the rich conversation that continues to evolve and change the Church, her history, and her theology.

Christianity really can be a pick-n-mix religion. I say that as a picker and a mixer. I've found very welcoming communities that value discussion and encourage doubting and questioning. I've, of course, found communities that are the opposite of that.

I grew up in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (we're

Yeah, they can pry my Harry Potter stamps from my cold, Avada Kedavra-ed hands. I put the Voldemort stamps on all my bills.

Team Logan.

Definitely! I totally agree. Docs are too quick to just grab the prescription pad and send you out the door instead of investing the time to figure out the real issues (a fault not necessarily of their own, but of the payment system).

I've had a problem with tonsillitis for years and during the most recent flare-up

For what it's worth, bronchitis really isn't supposed to be treated with antibiotics. Most bronchitis goes away within 3-4 weeks, what doesn't turns into pneumonia and is cured (hopefully) with a quick dose of antibiotics.

Farm-dosing is the biggest part of the problem, but overprescribing is a big deal too.

We see a lot of talk on Jezebel about how the important point is not your intent when making a joke (or a statement or a research thesis, etc) but rather how the people whom it addresses feel about said joke.

In this case, the intent very well may have been to make fun of the crazy Americans who are freaking out

Well as long as the rich white people are calm, who cares if we are ignoring the drastic consequences facing the people who are actually at risk for this disease? I'm not choosing to ignore anyone explaining that this is just a funny way to deal with this terrible disease. I'm reading those comments and telling you

I never expected to have a rage stroke reading this article.

Its been a day of unexpected surprises.

It isn't airborne. The important thing is to not come into contact with the body of an infected person. Deaths have to be dealt with in extreme isolation. Which is difficult for persons for whom a personal, tactile burial is a deep part of culture.

Cooking your meat extra well certainly will kill the Ebola. However, all the time you spent in contact with the blood of the infected animal prior to/during cooking will potentially spread the virus.

Science. Facts. Information.

Ebola is not a joke.

Sweat, Tears, Saliva, Spit, Blood, Semen, Breastmilk.

It is not airborne, you will not breathe it in. You must come into contact with the bodily fluids of a symptomatic infected person. However, the slightest amount of fluids can pass along the disease, hence the need for full isolation.

Nope. But good try making a joke out of Ebola.

Ebola most frequently infects caretakers (re: women). Women involved in the care of sick persons and in the burial preparations for diseased victims are mostly likely to fall prey to the disease themselves. A burqa isn't an isolation suit.

Yep. And God knows we can only afford to worry about one disease at a time!

And the total economic, educational, and social interruptions Ebola is causing aren't really that big of a deal.

Itsssss fine.

I find it incredibly insensitive. I'm a world away from my kids over there and I have no way of protecting them except hoping the fucking isolation they are in at their school works well enough to keep supplies flowing in and infection out.

But if its a joke to the staff at Jezebel, I guess its fine. Its totally an

And now imagine that you don't have access to clean water to wash your hands regularly! Wooo! The imagination game is fun.

Lets shame more people for spreading disease.