
The show massively expanded its time commitment after Fontana signed on. He lives on the opposite coast and didn’t want to be away from his family for that long, or have to pass up career opportunities.

Re: George - I agree!

I was hesitant about NuGreg but he bowled me over immediately. His entrance into the show was seamless and I’m so excited to see where this goes now.

In four short years he met his every goal

Sean Astin is just close enough but that close to Santino Fontana that I was weirded out all episode long. But I think I can used to him.

And, it was dead the whole time!

The Crockpot was really Keyser Soze the whole time.

The season finale is going to reveal that Jack also faked his death and ran off to Mexico with his new lover....The Crockpot!!!!

I was with you...until you said anti-vaxxer.  Unfortunately, anti-vaxxers have been integrated with actual Black folk.  It’s mostly the hotep and hotep-adjacent, but these are actual, real life, Blackety Black, live in the hood Black folk.  Which is why I think some of the Black Travel Movement set will find

Jello salad *is* a thing in Minnesota (a very white place) but I had never heard of jello in potato salad. I Googled & there it was.

Why tho? The only thing I’m really getting from this story is that it would be @#%ing funny if it hit an iceberg, and sank. You said they had life boats, so, I’m not talking about people dying en masse.

Selling tickets to these rides:

Is Penny still a Bar-certified lawyer? Because her quality of life could be so much better than it is.” Okay, you got me to laugh out loud with that one; so glad you’re back reviewing this show for this season, LaToya (even if it devolves into another beautiful, terrible, stupid mess again)

Should have taken Archie with her to Chicago.

What this show knows about the law seems to vary by the moment.

I do still love this stupid damn show

Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Facility. This is why I love Riverdale...well, this and Madchen Amick.

I was trying to imagine how Cheryl and Tony’s cross-country three month motorcycle trip went. Like, is there a way to drive cross-country on motorcycles that also involves staying at a four-star hotel every night?

Almost 17.

It is known that Barrymore has had almost 17 relationships, engagements and marriages; psychologists believe that her behavior is only natural since she lacked the male role model in her life after her parents’ divorce when she was only 9 years old.