
“As it turns out, someone as charming as he had a long criminal history, including 4 assault convictions”

There is a particular psychological deficiency in people like Watts and “his president” that never allows them to see the obvious. They go on and blame others when the root problem is THEMSELVES!

“We built these streets! White men built these streets!”

“I’m getting harassed everywhere I go in this country. Everywhere in this country I get harassed,” he said in court. 

I wish someone would have asked him about the Jordan logo on clothes made by Asians. I would argue maybe Ali is the most famous world wide?

I am glad you mentioned this was Beacon Hill, as a Seattleite I was curious about where this occurred. Beacon Hill is at the peak of gentrification right now, so this does NOT surprise me one bit.

I bet his meathead tiki-Nazi bros give him lots of shit for that.

I think that Melania’s “Be Best” project is a bad translation for “Do What’s Best For Your Own Self-Interests.

Stephen Jay Watts = SJW. The irony.

Black people worked so their slave owning masters could fund expansion into the territories that would become the Western states.

All the while wearing branded apparel from the THE MOST FAMOUS BLACK MAN ON THE PLANET.

This is going exactly like melanoma and her vermin husband planned. She does not care a bit about these People. There is nothing behind her vacant eyes except evil just like him. Meanwhile, her pasty-ass illegal parents are getting all the help they need to become citizens and, like her illegal ass, they have spent no

Law and Order has an episode for everything, bless them.

In fact, when Ofdonald does speak

I’m sure she’s said not a word on the matter and couldn’t care less. Her “communications director” just makes up a vague, bullshit statement like this one and attributes it to her.

Of course not. They have a system: he drugs and rapes women, she cleans up the mess and pays off the mouthy ones.

End of the day, she’s still American Hitler’s wife so her opinions are worse than worthless as she attempts to have it both ways. But then, what else would you expect from a scum Republican?

She isn’t leaving him. She is waiting for him to die.

She knows that this man was out there drugging and raping women. She didn’t leave him then, she’s not leaving him now.

Hmm.. Divorcing because she finally woke up or to protect their assets?