
Oh, I don’t know. There’s some darkness to Winnie the Bish. After all, his first response to Nick’s news about the editor’s feedback was “I’ll kill ‘em!” Furthermore, this is a man who thinks setting a wild badger loose in the air vents above a wedding is a classic prank. His heart beats to the rhythm of murder.

Worth it for the maze gag alone. That had me in stitches.

“Also why do you own that book?” “You see a red book, you buy a red book.” “What do you do with blue books?” “Don’t buy!” “Yellow books?” “Wait on it”. “That’s true”. I’m going to miss a lot of things about this show but I think I’ll miss the nonsensical exchanges with Nick trying to explain his insane thought

Aubrey Plaza is still a super fun highlight for Legion. Her sexy swim suit is just a bonus. I loved her hanging and blowing her bubbles out in the background of David & Farouk’s conversation.

After this episode’s proceedings I’m even more reluctant to trust Farouk and anything he wants David to do. I’m still not sure about future Syd, but I do know that “The King” is being deceptive.

A cow in a lab on a show with some pretty fringe science going on? I’m all about it!

Aubrey Plaza’s conversation with David is a bitter sweet reminder how good these two characters were together in season 1.

CeCe is just awesome. Total MVP. I’m so glad this show got a final season to end things in its own way. I’m going to miss it a lot. This show tugs at my heartstrings in a way that very few shows do.

Day-drunk and righteously mad Cece was superb. Hannah Simone was the MVP of this episode.

Don E continues to delight. We all miss Chief too.

I dunno. Thought that the case of the week (motivation-wise) was one of the most creative uses of some of the more subtle ramifications of a post-zombified Seattle, aside from the usual “humans v zombies” schtick they’ve been playing off a la classic X-Men.

We can’t go around giving the poor justice! What will they ask for next? Dignity? The right to breathe free? Pshaw!

Don E was holding the bodyguard bodyless (& I wonder if that’s supposed to be an extra joke now that I read it back), not headless. I loved how serious the bodyguard was until he had to admit that the Gwenyth thing was funny.

Liv as a human smuggler is probably my favorite storyline for her since the beginning of the show. She has always felt very secondary for a main character. For most of the show, Major was ostensibly the lead character.

The real story here is that you have to pay $39 to file a restraining order. That seems like a pretty good way to exclude poor folk from some fairly fundamental protections...

I can’t tell what’s real anymore.

Which voice did she use to file it? If she used the Baby Jesus voice, I’d bet it wouldn’t have been denied, because who can say no to the Baby Jesus?

Classic Bamford.

see, this right here is what I love about her. I go for the dancing. It’s powerfuly, fiercely feminine.

We know why they don’t like her but loooooove Adele. Why she can’t be a feminist but Swift can. She can’t wear sexy clothes but Madonna can. She can’t have control over her image but Swift and other white artist can.