
It’s not to late for them to drop the Betty stuff and never talk about it. I almost put that striptease out of my mind. If it was never brought up again I wouldn’t even mind to continuity problems.

Yeah who’s idea was t to not ask the dude who is actually in business with them but Hiram’s daughters boyfriend. That story line still makes little sense to me. also wasnt his last words last episode about the Black hood possibly not being caught. Why wasnt the black hood mentioned at all this episode.

yeah i thought they knew he was a prostitute or at least implied so i didn’t understand why they were shocked about him doing web cam stuff.

YEAH I was screaming at the tv this whole episode YOU CAN LITERALLY JUST CALL THE COPS ON THEM ITS YOUR BUILDING. I seriously don’t know why I deal with this every week anymore

Yeah I called it that Betty’s brother would be the black hood it’s the only thing that makes sense to me. That FBI agent better be a fake because that story is ridiculous. Right after he said the Lodges are dangerous he asks Archie to put himself in danger there’s no way that’s appropriate.

Yeah I think they forgot Ian has a job. I hope they hurry up and get to the point on so many story lines. At this point i’m fast forwarding through everyone’s story but Lip and Fiona’s. And Fiona’s is not going anywhere either. Did she just stop being Liam’s caregiver. I feel like this season should end with Liam

Ian was complaining about the mess and calling the new place a dump. I thought it was the church he was cleaning up because they were both equally trashy in fact the church would have probably needed more work. I am irritated that no one brought up his unstable behavior.

isnt faking your own death illegal. I mean she cant just go back to her life like she wasn’t just pronounced dead a day ago. Maybe I’m wrong but how was she still able to keep the hotel shares as a dead woman

Well I could see how Cheryl would be desperate to be attached to someone as her father murdered her brother and her mother doesn’t really care for her. She’s probably very lonely and doesn’t exactly come from a line of well adjusted people

GOd is everyone a pervert. Hell am I a pervert. Now I wouldn’t be surprised if anyone’s a sexual predator

I believe it’s probably Betty’s brother. He said they are the same which would make sense considering they have the same blood. Though I guess it wouldn’t make since why he would only care about her seeing as he has two sisters but whatever, this is a working theory.

Omg I was saying the black hood is going to find this more arousing then threatening like who told them to go shirtless

There’s not a single item I wouldn’t give up if that meant people couldn’t be killed by a crazed shooter whenever and wherever he felt like it. I’m still angry nothing happened after Sandy Hook but I guess people only really care about their wants and needs.

Was I tripping or was Tahani one of Eleanor’s soulmates. Who do I have to write to get them to circle back on that attempt

This show actually invokes fear in me because every episode it goes through twenty plots ahead of where a regular show would go. I can genuinely say this show is unpredictable and I can’t remember the last show that was that way

im guessing tamra is becoming pregnant on the show because she is legit pregnant in real life. Though she already looked pregnant in this episode. Overall i almost stopped watching because i did not want Mindy to end up with Ben but knowing they are divorcing seems like a great choice.

Also ilana apparently used to date Jaime and he was “straight” I couldn’t stop laughing at that. Overall great episode love Abbi’s hair post pony snatching

The spacing in this review was annoying also I had no idea the site was changing until I tried to look for the review. I usually like change but this may legit make me apprehensive to coming to this site all the time as I don’t want to have to look for reviews.