Nana Amuah

They moved it from this year to the next. Yet ANOTHER good sign.

Noooo Optimum, huh.

Ah well, guess I'll just have to settle with seeing Snowpiercer.

Boyhood isn't playing anywhere near me! This is, like, the third worst thing that's happened to me all year.

Well, this happened.

I'm thinking about that episode where Moze has to do a video project on Mr. Wright and now I've got a mental image of him on a skateboard.


Oz premiered in 1997.

Mean Girls was the height of her acting career.

Psst, call THAT a Zelda commercial? That is basic.

Same statement applies.

The Ace Ventura one's actually pretty valid though.

I kinda wanna see The Cook, The Thief, His Wife & Her Lover in this feature. THAT'D be an interesting read.

The Protomen - Light Up The Night

This year I finally realized that this album dropped on my birthday. And by extension the day that my little sister was born. I have thus vowed to call her "L'il Kanye", for reasons of my own.

Bob Johnson

So no other song on the shortlist gets on the nominee list then?

At least try to make the music sound like the 1930's, Christ. That "Full Moon Lullaby" bit sounds like every other modern-day soft-rock dirge I dislike.

Anyone kinda wanna see Horse Feathers on this list?