Nana Amuah

Just curious, what do you dislike about Symbiopsychotaxiplasm?

Jesus Christ, dude.

Self-righteous snobs aren't very fun to watch movies with, so that's fine.

Hopefully this, along with all that VR stuff we're getting (Oculus, Hololens, whatever that PS4 peripheral is called) gets us that Tron game we've always wanted.

"…the big hook in Dimensions is that you can buy special Lego figures that you can then use in-game via a “portal” that we can only assume is powered by magic. "

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Doesn't he feel exactly the same feelings for JW that you feel for Avatar?

This is the part where I play Mohd and link everyone to a pretty solid manga that examines this concept and its effects in the long term.

If only we lived in such a world.

Fightin' round the world.

I'm only in high school, so it was by chance that I stumbled upon "Don't Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me Those Pliers"and the Henry Danger skit on Spotify. Those two have barely aged, it's amazing. They pretty much changed my perception of audio comedy and made me a Firesign Theatre fan overnight.


If you think everyone here is stupid, why even come here?

Oooh! Mind Game's pretty underrated. That's a movie, though.

Tatami Galaxy is also top tier.

TOS had a great discussion on this, starting with this comment:

Shut the fuck up Donny.

Exceptions to the rule?