What a weird series of statements...
What a weird series of statements...
This comment says a lot more about you than it does about Goyer. Yikes. Leave the basement. Go outside. Get some perspective.
I don’t know where you get ‘reboot,’ its either a standalone or its X, which, when you say reserved for the Skywalker line, well, we already have Rey calling herself Skywalker...
He’s paid to provide entertainment, which he does. They don’t. The value and societal side effects of that entertainment are up for debate but the man delivers what he’s paid to. If you order something called an “Automatic House Igniter” from Amazon and it burns your house down neither the platform nor the seller are…
You should be ashamed, but of course, you folks never are.
Not interested in anyone parroting the far-right by calling Disney “woke” anymore
Lindsay Ellis is hardly “far-right”, and that video is at least three years old, long before all the DeSantis stuff. It does actually pay to do at least a cursory glance at something before you assume you know exactly what it is.
“There is literally nothing ethically dubious about artificial intelligence.”
man, i miss the days when a newswire didn’t have to stretch itself out so much. back in the day this could have just been an easy paragraph with maybe one joke.
Who cares what your gender is. How about “Human that has a bad take”. I think just want attention.
That’s deflection and you know it. You did a crappy job reporting this news and you are being rightly called out. Don’t hide behind your pronouns, especially if they aren’t in your bio for the site.
Maybe next to your name you should put your gender so people know instead of getting mad that someone mis-gendered you. Clearly they didn’t know. Your comment adds nothing to this discussion and sound more like a little bitch.
Oh fuck off, theres no way they knew what your gender was.
Apologies for misgendering you. Can you let me know your preferred pronouns? They’re not easily accessible anywhere on this site, not even in your introductory article: https://kotaku.com/i-m-still-on-my-bs-but-now-i-get-healthcare-1847549762
Is there a reason why he or she should already know your gender? And does it have any relevance to whatever was commented if it was incorrect?
I wouldn't take much of what Sisi says at face value. I'm a queer person, and find a lot of her takes pretty unnuanced. (Which isn't to say I think people should support JKR. I won't be buying this game and tell people I know I don't think they should, either.)
Outrider uses “PEDANTRY”.
It is not very effective.
As bad as these new writers are, they sure do something right... Clicks and driving discussions.
Yeah, what a blatant ad for a game that came out 30 years ago...