
Say what you will, but I thought this guy gave an excellent performance in Red Dragon.

I'm not even a tad bit surprised. Have you read comments by boys on the Internet? I'm thinking this describes most young guys now. They join the MRA when women think this is weird.

The horror. THE HORROR (lol).

Of course not, I shower like this:

I miss those good old masculine days.

If you were ever looking for helpful household hints on manly manhood and appropriate family structures from an unmarried celibate senior citizen who frequently wears a voluminous skirt, well, today was your lucky day.

I can't even. I am now unable to even.

I was just thinking "is this assault?" and I guess it would be after I picked up the chunks of my hair and stuffed them down her throat.

Not only is this a dude only production, it's also a dude production that emphatically embraces colorism. Turning what was a dark skin brown character into a nearly white, biracial woman.

I love the saying, "those who love brutal honesty are more interested in the brutality than thr honesty".

People who are "honest" and "tell it like it is" are really just assholes.

This is truly outrageous. Truly truly truly outrageous.

Patrick Swayze and Jennifer Grey

Madeleine will you watch this movie and review it for us?? cough...cough.........

Nudity?! In my Sistine Chapel!?!??!

I would be all for this IF they would instead get these people eating healthy food. But since she just basically wants to take a giant dump on the disabled and elderly, she can go to hell.