Three humanities postgraduate students in India have parodied Carly Rae Jepsen’s all-time popular song “Call Me…
Three humanities postgraduate students in India have parodied Carly Rae Jepsen’s all-time popular song “Call Me…
What an entitled piece of shit.
Your selfie is irrelevant.
Ah yes, the Before Time, when male babies appeared out in the field like Cabbage Patch Kids, before The Womenz came.
I can see the basis for complaint. Women didn’t even exist until the 1960s, so it’s really a disservice to cover them at all. It is a history podcast, after all, and history was written by us white men.
Because I was pretty irked at getting this exact same (incorrect) complaint yet another time, from yet another person who apparently hasn’t heard about all the research examining that people perceive women as being more prevalent in a group than they really are, and probably also hasn’t examined their own implicit…
Damn! I love it when they lay the smack down. Once, out at the range, a visiting officer commented on how there were "so many women out here." There were exactly four of us. We pretty much just rolled our eyes and were like "Yes, sir."
Behold: A convenient illustration of the fact that when you start mentioning women at all, ever, some people start…
Have you heard Kelly McEvers’ Embedded episode on Opana addiction? I was particularly impressed with her own honesty about it - how she said that she’d been sort of dismissive/judgmental about addiction before (i.e. “Why don’t you just quit?”), but once she saw what it was actually like, she realized it wasn’t that…
“You know, I discovered Gigi Hadid.”
This should have a tag along the lines of ‘advice for the emotionally stunted’. Because those of us who learned that ‘people can have different personality traits from myself and yet not suck’ a while ago aren’t really the target audience.
Margaret Atwood.
Well, he did transport a minor across state lines for the purposes of rape-related marriage. I’m amazed they didn’t go with human trafficking charges.
Cool, so the security guard assaulted himself, the hotel room trashed itself, Winona Ryder misremembered things to Natalie Portman, Kate Moss ripped up photos of herself in a fit of jealousy, all those beers drank themselves and then went on television and drunkenly stumbled through that speech, the car drove itself…
The fish in my son’s aquarium turned cannibal and he had many, many questions about this. I’d very much welcome the chance to change the topic to lesbian fish.
“The only thing that makes sense in my head at the the time was whole Obama thing with forcing transgenders to use bathrooms.”
It’s green and red, SHUT UP!
NOOO NOOO not again