
Are you seriously trying to make the hilarious couch-jumping scenes sound like they're supposed to be, well, serious? Or are you being ironic? They're both charming ("grimly" my foot) and illustrate how clueless people like Victoria were about birth control in the 1840s. Afraid I have to disagree wholeheartedly with

Not that odd. For one thing the DVD is the UK version; the PBS version adds about 5-7 minutes per episode in deleted scenes. (For example, Skerritt's exposition scene where she talks about her background in this episode is missing). Also, if you're in the states you can apparently stream the whole season already on

The episode touches on why the salary is important, as does the reviewer. It is assumed that Albert will take a mistress and he'll need that money to, basically, pay her off. At the same time Albert's father is broke and makes clear he wants a piece of the action so they can keep the lights on in Coburg.

True that. Though I actually miss the live-action king they had back in the late 70s. I remember seeing him in Saturday morning commercials. I think he did magic tricks or something.

It's rather a shame there are so few shows on this list that the entire family can watch. I'm going to assume Series of Unfortunate Events is one (even though it's on streaming where I've started to assume a nudity quota exists), and probably the unnecessary remake of One Day at a Time (too lazy to think up new

I punched the air with the CW joke. I didn't expect them to lean on the fourth wall like that. Remember that in the DC multiverse one of those earths is supposed to be OURS so I thought it worked well. I think this probably deserved a two-parter or a longer episode. I actually liked the Banshee character-building

That whistle bit could be the funniest thing BLR has ever done because they don't normally let a joke play out like that. Not to mention it really does appear as if the coach is annoyed at the whistle guy - and in real life it really does look like the guy was just standing there blowing the whistle for no reason.

Maybe. Both Russell Davies and Moffat have said that's canon whether we like it or not, though one of the comic books tried to suggest it was due to the chameleon arch (if you have to ask…). On the other hand the Doctor said something like "The hybrid is me." Or did he say "Me"?

Katarina died after 4 episodes. Sara Kingdom died during her debut story (but she's still considered a companion). Adric was with the show for the last half of one season and most of a second. A couple of one-offs have died. Clara was on the show for two and a half full seasons and approximately 37 episodes. She's the

No. Doctor Who has been nominated for many national BAFTAs, including a Best Actor for Matt Smith one year. There are also regional BAFTAs and the show has won truckload of the Wales BAFTA awards. I keep hearing people say that BBC America helped fund the show this year, but they don't get a screen credit as far as I

K9 has always been owned by Bob Baker. The BBC has to get OK anytime they use him. So he can do what he likes. He just can't use the Doctor without the BBC's OK or any companions and characters Baker didn't create himself. But he co-created Omega which is why he's fair game.

You realize they already have, right? K9 was a popular companion for several years on the show, was a regular on The Sarah Jane Adventures and had his own TV series, K9, back in 2010. This is just a followup to all that.

Anyone who saw her last couple of episodes of Game of Thrones Season 5 saw that look too. And yeah, it chills to the bone. If they ever decide to do a remake of The Omen with a female Damien, she's got the part.

Probably one of the best lines of TV ever. I wish some US company had invested a few bucks into that show so that Capaldi could have gotten an Emmy for that role. (Hell, he and Coleman both deserved Emmys for their work last year on Doctor Who. Sadly, for some reason or other Doctor Who doesn't qualify even though it

You do know it is a two-parter, right?

I disagree. I thought it was a very brave and creative idea. Plus it's a key episode in the Clara-Doctor dynamic. Pretty much everything that has happened since has been informed by the last 20 minutes or so of that episode. And the Mummy episode that follows makes almost no sense without it. Sorry, ya gotta suffer

Definitely no guitar playing. I wonder if that isn't a publicity image from last week put in by mistake? Or maybe it was a Woman Who Lived image snuck in by mistake?

"Most companions have that level of faith in him, but few seem to seek out danger because of it." - Which I think is the point here. This is a companion who actually might be going off the deep end a little. They probably won't go this route but all things considered the possibility of Clara evolving into some sort of

Agreed on the action figure. She also totally rocked that blue shirt too which I assume must have been what she wore underneath the spacesuit as it didn't look very Viking until she added a bit later. I must assume the spacesuit burned up in the fire.

Garbage list weighted unfairly by the fact no one over the age of 20 even knows what Spotify is. (I'm only partly joking.)